
Ilanaspax t1_j0da30d wrote

Even if that is the case (it isn’t because the tips wouldn’t be going to the owner or whoever set up the system so idk why they would care) in either situation no one is “guilting” the customer - the cashier is just trying to complete the purchase and ring you up. 90% of the time I make a small purchase the barista seems embarrassed to have to swivel a tip screen for a small hot coffee because they also know it’s ridiculous to expect a tip but it’s required to close out the purchase.

If you’re buying something more complicated like multiple lattes or made to order food yes they probably expect a tip because you should be tipping atleast a buck or two in that scenario. It’s 100% projection that the barista/business is guilting you into tipping - if you feel guilty that’s on you.


Ilanaspax t1_j07g1g8 wrote

I don’t understand why customers think the barista is responsible for setting up the register or is pressuring you to tip? They have to show you the tip screen in order for you to approve the purchase. If I’m getting something small but still want to tip I just hit other and put in the amount I want to tip or don’t tip anything. I’ve never gotten attitude for this.

Honestly sounds like some of you are projecting a lot onto the barista just for doing their job - no one is expecting you to tip on a muffin they’re just trying to complete the purchase on the register.


Ilanaspax t1_izzaao7 wrote

You should be asking your landlord to send someone to plug any holes/gaps in the wall w steel wool and then caulk. Poison/traps generally do nothing unless you’re extremely diligent and crafty with baiting and setting traps.


Ilanaspax t1_izych5u wrote

This might rock your world but some of us lived in JC before it became an overdeveloped hellhole and can remember when rents were affordable and there was plenty of street parking. I never even bothered getting a resident permit back then because it didn’t even matter.