Ilanaspax t1_j14l285 wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in Hit-and-run councilwoman’s pre-trial hearing set for Jan. 10 in Essex County court by SoundMachineJC
lol is this a troll account??
Ilanaspax t1_j0e246z wrote
Reply to comment by HElGHTS in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
You’re being victimized by the tip screen? Good lord.
Ilanaspax t1_j0da30d wrote
Reply to comment by HElGHTS in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
Even if that is the case (it isn’t because the tips wouldn’t be going to the owner or whoever set up the system so idk why they would care) in either situation no one is “guilting” the customer - the cashier is just trying to complete the purchase and ring you up. 90% of the time I make a small purchase the barista seems embarrassed to have to swivel a tip screen for a small hot coffee because they also know it’s ridiculous to expect a tip but it’s required to close out the purchase.
If you’re buying something more complicated like multiple lattes or made to order food yes they probably expect a tip because you should be tipping atleast a buck or two in that scenario. It’s 100% projection that the barista/business is guilting you into tipping - if you feel guilty that’s on you.
Ilanaspax t1_j0cit3o wrote
Reply to comment by HElGHTS in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
One more time for the slow learners desperate to explain a comment they didn’t even write:
and guilt you into thinking that you owe them for grabbing a muffin from under the counter is just appalling.
Ilanaspax t1_j09mqa1 wrote
Reply to comment by HElGHTS in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
Did you miss this part?:
Of course, I go with Other and might leave a dollar tip or not even that. But their audacity to even ask for such tips and guilt you into thinking that you owe them for grabbing a muffin from under the counter is just appalling.
Ilanaspax t1_j07jqrz wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
damn dude maybe you should consider riding the lightrail for free if you’re this hard up for cash
Ilanaspax t1_j07jjum wrote
Reply to comment by fulanita_de_tal in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
Raise your hand if you’re not surprised this sub is full of bad tippers 👋
Ilanaspax t1_j07g1g8 wrote
Reply to comment by the_running_stache in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
I don’t understand why customers think the barista is responsible for setting up the register or is pressuring you to tip? They have to show you the tip screen in order for you to approve the purchase. If I’m getting something small but still want to tip I just hit other and put in the amount I want to tip or don’t tip anything. I’ve never gotten attitude for this.
Honestly sounds like some of you are projecting a lot onto the barista just for doing their job - no one is expecting you to tip on a muffin they’re just trying to complete the purchase on the register.
Ilanaspax t1_j054hu0 wrote
Reply to comment by Positive_Debate7048 in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
Ilanaspax t1_j05457v wrote
Reply to comment by Happyjee in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
For the most part it’s showing how insanely cheap some people are.
Ilanaspax t1_j02vxh0 wrote
Reply to comment by Positive_Debate7048 in Check your credit card receipts for altered tips by Morrigan-27
It isn’t
Ilanaspax t1_j02gj07 wrote
Reply to comment by excaligirltoo in Lease termination due to pest issues possible? by dingo8yobb
Steel wool/caulking isn’t that complicated usually they can just have regular maintenance person do it for way less than calling pest control. In my experience pest control usually just sprays and/or leaves poison.
Ilanaspax t1_izznlaq wrote
Reply to comment by Mammoth_Hunter85 in Respect our neighborhood- J Owen Grundy Park pavilion by Mammoth_Hunter85
No but your options are clean it yourself or demand more from your local government by way of litter clean up. I’ll let you figure out on your own which one is the bigger waste of time.
Ilanaspax t1_izzaao7 wrote
You should be asking your landlord to send someone to plug any holes/gaps in the wall w steel wool and then caulk. Poison/traps generally do nothing unless you’re extremely diligent and crafty with baiting and setting traps.
Ilanaspax t1_izych5u wrote
Reply to comment by Rogue-Journalist in 5 blocks of no parking for a full week? No parking signs were put up yesterday for the upcoming week on both sides of these streets (Brunswick btwn 7th and 9th, AND 8th street). by eetzavinyl
This might rock your world but some of us lived in JC before it became an overdeveloped hellhole and can remember when rents were affordable and there was plenty of street parking. I never even bothered getting a resident permit back then because it didn’t even matter.
Ilanaspax t1_izy3879 wrote
Reply to comment by Mammoth_Hunter85 in Respect our neighborhood- J Owen Grundy Park pavilion by Mammoth_Hunter85
No one’s stopping you from picking up a broom.
Ilanaspax t1_izxonqr wrote
Reply to comment by Economy-Cupcake808 in Why did they close the steps at jersey ave light rail? by abay1022
It’s almost like there’s no oversight when building anything in jersey city 🤔
Ilanaspax t1_izx0imy wrote
Reply to comment by Economy-Cupcake808 in Why did they close the steps at jersey ave light rail? by abay1022
Or the ones using the lightrail…?
Ilanaspax t1_izt1vjv wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
No one is saying it did. Relax. You can get the same story from a news source that isn’t pro-Israel was the point.
Ilanaspax t1_izsz6k8 wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
It’s pretty obvious the person who left the comment’s issue was that the story was being shared by a pro-Israel news source. It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel.
Ilanaspax t1_izsyjun wrote
Reply to comment by Mammoth_Hunter85 in Respect our neighborhood- J Owen Grundy Park pavilion by Mammoth_Hunter85
you’re in the wrong place if you want to coexist without litter
Ilanaspax t1_izspzko wrote
Reply to comment by podkayne3000 in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
Al Jazeera has been blindly promoting Qatar as a tourist destination and the World Cup in general while completely ignoring all the human rights violations that have and continue to occur there so I guess you could say they probably do have a lot in common with Forward as a publication!
Ilanaspax t1_izpsxz3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
I have no idea that’s why I find it bizarre.
Ilanaspax t1_izohov3 wrote
Reply to comment by podkayne3000 in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
Let’s listen to the guy who calls himself a “liberal Zionist” on this one ya’ll. We got an unbiased perspective in the house.
Ilanaspax t1_j17p9wy wrote
Reply to comment by No_End_5268 in Hit-and-run councilwoman’s pre-trial hearing set for Jan. 10 in Essex County court by SoundMachineJC
You think?