Ilanaspax t1_j9lbyun wrote
Reply to comment by jersey385 in Public Safety Director James Shea doesn't think there's a chronic problem with 911 in Jersey City by jcskunk
That’s what happens when you plan a city so that it is filled with luxury rentals that families can’t afford to live in for more than a few years. Little long term investment or concern with the community and the people who’d like to stay and be involved will eventually get priced out.
Ilanaspax t1_j9lb6f2 wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Birds of a feather... by EyesOnImprovement
Absolutely this. People should be saying it to her face considering she still has the balls to show up to community events.
Ilanaspax t1_j9kl645 wrote
Reply to comment by Jahooodie in Is there any particularly safe way to cross 12th and 14th St before the tunnel? by ChemiluminescentAshe
I might believe the complete lie that JCPD is understaffed if I literally ever saw them doing anything besides sitting in a squad car or "monitoring" a hole in the ground while they stare at their phones.
Ilanaspax t1_j9fsidi wrote
Reply to comment by cmc in 284 calls to 911 in 50 minutes? by expertinbirdlaw99
And you can tell they are full of shit because they are acting like this an outrageous surprise when they’ve known for years that there has been issues.
Ilanaspax t1_j9e3nyj wrote
Reply to comment by DeepFriedAsses in I’m sick of all the negativity about JC, what do you love about this city? by The_Nomadic_Nerd
I’m very familiar with the JC arts scene and have been involved for the past decade. Trust me- it’s fading compared to what it once was.
Ilanaspax t1_j9c59j9 wrote
Reply to comment by BeMadTV in I’m sick of all the negativity about JC, what do you love about this city? by The_Nomadic_Nerd
They like the idea of being a person who lives in a city (“my family back in Ohio think I’m CrAzY for living here!”) while they complain that there’s too many homeless people and the Whole Foods can’t open fast enough.
Ilanaspax t1_j9c489o wrote
Reply to comment by DeepFriedAsses in I’m sick of all the negativity about JC, what do you love about this city? by The_Nomadic_Nerd
You’re a little behind. The arts scene is a shell of what it was 10-15 years ago unfortunately. It’s only going to get smaller as more artists get priced out or just give up and pay the same rent in NYC :/
There are less and less galleries and local artists as poorly planned development continues to price them out. Best you’re going to get is a mural slapped on some new construction to convince people they live in a up and coming arts district.
Ilanaspax t1_j9bzmrd wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Is there any particularly safe way to cross 12th and 14th St before the tunnel? by ChemiluminescentAshe
Not sure what your point is but I’ll still take that over zero traffic direction on this side of the tunnel?
Ilanaspax t1_j9b4wwr wrote
Reply to comment by SirenaFeroz in What are my options if someone has been blocking my driveway for almost a full day? by Jersey-City-2468
Just imagining a world where one thinks it’s normal to have to repeatedly pretty please ask the restaurant next door if they can move their illegally parked cars so you can use your own driveway. Jesus
Ilanaspax t1_j9b4btt wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Is there any particularly safe way to cross 12th and 14th St before the tunnel? by ChemiluminescentAshe
I don’t understand why they don’t have traffic cops directing traffic the way they do by the Holland tunnel entrance on the NYC side.
Ilanaspax t1_j8dgfjl wrote
Reply to comment by fillb3rt in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
Ilanaspax t1_j8bzb50 wrote
Reply to comment by fillb3rt in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
Oh no not the “u mad? Relax bro” routine
Ilanaspax t1_j8b86gh wrote
Reply to comment by fillb3rt in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
You might want to be more informed if you’re going to open with “listen to me” and then proudly announce that you are oblivious to anything that doesn’t involve you
Ilanaspax t1_j8b195k wrote
Reply to comment by Jahooodie in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
They disrespected the taqueria
Ilanaspax t1_j895nwa wrote
Reply to comment by ZootheGod in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
I hope this detail is included in the police report. Sounds important.
Ilanaspax t1_j895iqa wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
Someone has desecrated Taqueria downtown! People getting shot and murdered in this city will never garner this kind outrage lol
Ilanaspax t1_j894zlm wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in Hit and run at Taqueria Downtown at Grand and Grove by AmeliaHeff
Are you new here? This really isn’t that shocking when you pay attention to criminal activity across the entire city.
Ilanaspax t1_j83xctx wrote
Reply to comment by New_Examination_5605 in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
Yes. 80% of e bike drivers seem to be morons with a death wish.
Ilanaspax t1_j81gl3x wrote
Reply to comment by twanzetters in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a utopian society.
Ilanaspax t1_j81g9er wrote
Reply to comment by badquarter in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
It’s clear a lot of cities gave up on improving public transit/city planning and have decided they’ll just cater to a demographic that can afford to Uber themselves and their food everywhere. Imagine how many less cars would be on the road if people could actually walk to pick up their food or groceries instead of clogging the streets…
Ilanaspax t1_j80brub wrote
Reply to comment by twanzetters in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
Wouldn’t it be great if the employees we pay with our tax dollars to enforce traffic laws actually did their job?
Ilanaspax t1_j80bnsb wrote
Reply to comment by robin_tern in Driver, Pedestrian, Cyclist: no matter what I am, I feel unsafe traveling by lordleft
Not OP BUT I find myself feeling continuously unsafe because I see how people drive and it is blatantly obvious that they have no regard for human life. The lack of traffic enforcement has given sociopathic drivers a free pass to do whatever they please.
Ilanaspax t1_j80b60n wrote
Agreed. Especially in the evening/weekends/holidays when everyone feels free to drive drunk or high because they know literally no one will pull them over.
Ilanaspax t1_j7zeo26 wrote
Reply to comment by STMIHA in Nothing says LUXURY like a new build founded on labor violations! by Whole-Campaign89
By people you mean Fulop and he won’t
Ilanaspax t1_j9lst1t wrote
Reply to comment by Lebesgue_Couloir in Public Safety Director James Shea doesn't think there's a chronic problem with 911 in Jersey City by jcskunk
Keep wondering why a community full of transient renters results in poor voter turn out. You’ll figure it out eventually (don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard)