Ilanaspax t1_iu5icbw wrote
Reply to comment by LateralEntry in Which one of you did this? by RealJosiahBartlet
you know when you leave comments like this it just makes the person want to keep doing it right? It’s like the first rule of trolling.
Ilanaspax t1_iu5i5qn wrote
Reply to comment by BountyBunter in Which one of you did this? by RealJosiahBartlet
They’re making a “what’s that noise?!” post at the first clank of a spray paint bottle being shaken.
Ilanaspax t1_iu1got4 wrote
Reply to comment by mbstor23 in $500 rent increase in West Side! by alex12m
Oh no sounds serious. Hope they catch whoever is causing it
Ilanaspax t1_itxtc6f wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Lets talk local Kimchi! by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
I believe a family member makes it - it appears to be homemade.
Ilanaspax t1_itxfb6e wrote
Reply to Lets talk local Kimchi! by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
Ilanaspax t1_itqvphk wrote
Reply to comment by doglywolf in $500 rent increase in West Side! by alex12m
When you have so many properties owned by corporations they can wait out vacancies and/or work together to artificially inflate the rental market. That’s why only building giant luxury rental buildings isn’t going to do shit to solve the pretend housing crisis until there is a serious policy change.
Ilanaspax t1_itqv1rb wrote
Reply to comment by ImReallyProud in Jc coffee shops with window service? by OpenSpoon2311
If it’s a business where they are preparing food it’s a health code violation and they can get written up. If it’s a place that is just serving drinks it’s okay. Most cafes in JC also serve food - it would be easier to find a bar that allows dogs than a cafe.
Ilanaspax t1_itqb77c wrote
Reply to Jc coffee shops with window service? by OpenSpoon2311
Thank you for not being an inconsiderate asshole with a dog 🙏
Ilanaspax t1_itqb4rb wrote
Reply to comment by spitfireramrum in Jc coffee shops with window service? by OpenSpoon2311
They aren’t allowed inside any places preparing food. Dog owners in this city seem to operate on the idea that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Ilanaspax t1_itn642m wrote
Reply to comment by ScumbagMacbeth in Advanced Vehicle Maneuver at Bergen Square by RAWisROLLIE
I see this all the time and it makes it feel more dangerous to stop for the pedestrian somehow? Half the time the person doesn’t even want to cross because they already know not to trust the car behind me.
Ilanaspax t1_itmc18y wrote
Putting this idea out into the universe: a YouTube channel where someone drives recklessly around Jersey City and sees how long/if ever it takes to get pulled over by a cop.
Ilanaspax t1_itkyq0p wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in YOU, THE CITY COUNCIL. YOU COULD HAVE DEMANDED BETTER THAN THIS by Downtown-Prompt-6499
Ilanaspax t1_it5s6mu wrote
Reply to comment by slipperyzoo in Love it or not, Dan seems like a pretty swell guy by scubastefon
Okay drama queen you can just admit you were wrong.
Ilanaspax t1_it2888t wrote
Reply to comment by slipperyzoo in Love it or not, Dan seems like a pretty swell guy by scubastefon
Lmao you can order online and pick it up asshole - I’ve never waited in line to get pizza there. This is all info found on their IG and website.
Try straying from the Uber eats app once in awhile and live a little.
Ilanaspax t1_isxjh8g wrote
Reply to comment by slipperyzoo in Love it or not, Dan seems like a pretty swell guy by scubastefon
it’s really not that hard if you go to their website and look at their hours?
Ilanaspax t1_is109ro wrote
Ilanaspax t1_is0sppz wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Bat_722 in Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
You’re pretty mouthy for someone who uses Reddit to make horny posts begging for someone to fuck them. Someone needs attention I guess ❤️
Ilanaspax t1_irxry6t wrote
Reply to comment by Informal_Bat_722 in Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
You’re obsessed with me this much huh?
Ilanaspax t1_irx75tt wrote
Reply to comment by FloatingWeight in Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
Oh wow I had no idea. Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me - Reddit can be so confusing. Good luck friend 🙏
Ilanaspax t1_irx3id1 wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
Imagine having no idea how heavily astroturfed this sub is…. ah to be so naive
Ilanaspax t1_irwp4gz wrote
Reply to comment by FloatingWeight in Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
I think you need to work on your inner self if you find downvotes from anonymous Reddit users to be humiliating. You really shouldn’t care that much 🙏 find peace my friend
Ilanaspax t1_irwf87o wrote
Reply to Former Fulop ally pleads guilty to federal tax charge, faces up to 18 month in prison, $1.1 million fine by OkAbbreviations4982
lol again…we need a fresh “wHy Do SoMe PeOpLe NoT LiKe ThE MaYoR ☹️?” post. Let’s get all those staunch Flop apologists out of the woodwork so they can humiliate themselves some more.
Ilanaspax t1_irwd1dg wrote
Reply to comment by windowspathos in I’m a tourist coming to JC, can I legally buy weed? by NYCminion
Actual bud can still just be cbd. I wouldn’t trust any of these weird fake unregulated dispensaries. They can be putting literally anything in those cartridges.
Ilanaspax t1_irwce1y wrote
Reply to comment by jerseycityfrankie in So We've All Forgotten About Amy DeGise ? by ChissWiz
I don’t think galleries are tied to developers I just think developers and the city co opted the once thriving art scene to sell real estate to bozos who think living near a mural makes them hip and urban. There are definitely smaller galleries and collectives that would participate.
Ilanaspax t1_iu5kfob wrote
Reply to comment by JeromePowellAdmirer in $500 rent increase in West Side! by alex12m
I said neither of those things in my comment but it’s flattering to see that you are so obsessed with me you’re at the point where you’re writing fanfic.