
Ilanaspax t1_irixl9l wrote

Another valueless comment. I’m not against new schools being built I’m against charter schools replacing public schools that serve all students which is what this leads to. Do some research on how charter schools operate and why they hire lobbyists. Or how they swept in after hurricane Katrina and destroyed the LA public school system there. It’s a concentrated effort to dismantle public Ed for corporate profit and you’re eating it up.

A corporation has even less oversight than a public school so this is a bad solution if that’s your issue.

If school infrastructure is the issue maybe look at what we spend money on in this city and all the handouts developers get while they “make the city better”. How much money was that Rook the JCPD bought? How much was the pedestrian plaza that took years to build and is already getting torn up?


Ilanaspax t1_iril69f wrote

All of this is widely known if you know remotely anything about how charter schools operate and the political influence they’ve worked so hard to gain.

I’ve worked in education - they can write whatever they want on the website because it’s a private company. But if your kid has needs they cannot accommodate you will have to send your child elsewhere. That is just how it works because they are not set up to serve special needs nor are they legally required to accommodate all students. They can write whatever they want on their website so people who know nothing will believe it.

Perhaps look up some information about charter schools vs public schools instead of copying and pasting random shit you googled?


Ilanaspax t1_irikd8u wrote

And yet your solution is to bring in charter schools that serve NO special needs students and continue to pull much needed funding from public education and make the existing problem worse?

Your issue is with JC but you’re so emotional you’re talking out of your ass and acting like dismantling public schools is the solution. This is exactly how it works when social services are preyed upon by corporations for profit - do whatever they can to make it so bad it becomes a privatized for-profit service and your just the kind of shmuck to lap it up. There are active lobbyists making this happen with political ties - you’re just eating it up.


Ilanaspax t1_irh6xkq wrote

You're so close to connecting the dots buddy. Now let's work this out together - if charter schools only accept students without learning disabilities (or any other special needs that would affect a student's "performance") and at the same time public schools have to accept all students (including those with learning disabilities who may not perform as well as neurotypical students) do you really think the charter school students are performing better as a result of the quality of education? Or is it because charter schools aren't legally required to accommodate any low-performing students like public schools are?

Feel free to mention where you think the special needs students that charter schools don't have to accommodate will go once charter lobbyists successfully defund public education.


Ilanaspax t1_irh5g7z wrote

Wow you mean schools that are able to skim all the best students and not accept any with special needs or learning disabilities perform better than public schools that are legally required to accept and accommodate all students? You don't say!


Ilanaspax t1_irh464t wrote

The fact that they are statistically proven to fail isn't a compelling argument to not keep diverting funds from public education to fund these sham schools? lol

The teachers aren't even required to have bachelor's degrees to teach and they aren't legally required to accommodate special ed students- how could that possibly be an improvement?


Ilanaspax t1_irgt8y1 wrote

You’re not a school expert? Shocking.

Charter schools are terrible and aren’t obligated to accommodate special needs students and take away funding from public schools. You don’t have to be an expert to see how not being able to accommodate special ed students is a bad thing.


Ilanaspax t1_ir0amrx wrote

On the plus side if you take the lightrail regularly enough without paying you usually break even once they eventually bust you for not having a ticket. Downvote away nerds!