Ilanaspax t1_iznwnyf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban
Not for nothing but a Latino employee was murdered as well in this incident and I find it a little bizarre he barely gets mentioned in these headlines/comments just because he wasn’t Jewish. It wasn’t just “American Jews” who were murdered that day.
Ilanaspax t1_izdfrsg wrote
Reply to comment by No_End_5268 in Does Jersey City recycle No. 5 plastics? by Formydad2299
There are no low cost of living areas anymore because of gentrification and anything remotely affordable is quickly diminishing. Welcome to planet earth - you’ll catch up soon!
I’m really proud of you for knowing people in the heights and journal square but JC is huge and that isn’t all of it so I don’t know what point you think you are making.
Ilanaspax t1_izb9h3d wrote
Reply to comment by No_End_5268 in Does Jersey City recycle No. 5 plastics? by Formydad2299
You realize not all poor people are criminals right? And they need a place to live too?
Also there is still plenty of crime lol JC famously under reports stats but if you know anyone in other neighborhoods shootings are a regular occurrence.
Ilanaspax t1_iz0pazw wrote
Reply to comment by foot-trail in Does Jersey City recycle No. 5 plastics? by Formydad2299
Yes - that’s why it’s a dumb comment to make. It’s not a natural transition it’s a deliberate effort to displace people. Why would anyone act like that is positive?
Ilanaspax t1_iz0nihl wrote
Reply to comment by foot-trail in Does Jersey City recycle No. 5 plastics? by Formydad2299
And all we had to do was price out the low income people who have bigger issues to worry about than recycling 🥰
Ilanaspax t1_iz00q0r wrote
Reply to comment by foot-trail in Does Jersey City recycle No. 5 plastics? by Formydad2299
lol have you watched them pick up recycling? It doesn’t even get sorted.
Ilanaspax t1_iybwsxy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Corrupted Jersey City Property Taxes by NTend7777
Ilanaspax t1_iy86722 wrote
Reply to comment by badquarter in Pepé Le Pew by Downtown-Prompt-6499
I did 🥰
Ilanaspax t1_iy85jsv wrote
Reply to comment by badquarter in Pepé Le Pew by Downtown-Prompt-6499
Yes it’s totally worth it - who cares if the city is drowning financially, Fulop has proven to be corrupt, and we are clearly getting ripped off by this deal? Where else will anyone in this humble city get the chance to see a Matisse in person?!
Ilanaspax t1_ixqjekb wrote
Reply to comment by LoneStarTallBoi in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
If you ran for mayor on this platform it would probably give the voter turnout numbers a nice bump.
Ilanaspax t1_ixp25x7 wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityNJ in Algorithmic rent setting service under investigation by DOJ for collusion with landlords by JCwhatimsayin
We just need to build more luxury housing to fix the problems caused by building more luxury housing. Simple as.
Ilanaspax t1_iwzso0a wrote
Reply to comment by RosaKlebb in So who will run for mayor? by FunCandy8149
It feels so long ago that JC used to actually have cool unique shows like that. I hope Montgomery Hall opens back up.
Ilanaspax t1_iwzsg6p wrote
Reply to So who will run for mayor? by FunCandy8149
We should see what the guy who used to dress up as Cookie Monster on Newark Ave is up to these days
Ilanaspax t1_iwzsbv7 wrote
Reply to comment by Aristozzle in Where to buy caviar? by teamvella
I like caviar but it is extremely funny to see a caviar post getting this much engagement
Ilanaspax t1_iwvs2cq wrote
Reply to Jersey City Cannabis Control Board approves 5 dispensaries, including 1st in Ward F by Ajkrouse
Glad Brittani had the time to step away from her 2 tax payer funded jobs to do this.
Ilanaspax t1_iwvrxal wrote
And it only took 2 years
Ilanaspax t1_iwr5ekq wrote
Reply to comment by moobycow in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
sure buddy
Ilanaspax t1_iwr1qt4 wrote
Reply to comment by down_up__left_right in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
Wow so I guess we didn't need those tax abatements handed out like candy back in the day to encourage development then if Jersey City was so enticing on its own?
Ilanaspax t1_iwr1co6 wrote
Reply to comment by moobycow in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
Again...if people wanted to live here so badly why would they need to offer abatements and make an entire campaign to encourage development 10 - 15 years ago? This was all planned.
Ilanaspax t1_iwqcb6e wrote
Reply to comment by moobycow in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
I know it’s hard to imagine - but plenty of people lived here before Fulop sold out the town to developers and were totally fine with not having a sweet green and a bunch of shitty restaurants on Newark Ave in exchange for affordable rent.
They made a MAKE IT YOURS JC campaign and then it’s shocked pikachu face when the entire city gets steamrolled by development. The goal was always high rents and pricing long time residents out. That’s why it’s so funny to see the rubes on here pretending more luxury housing is the solution instead of the cause. You have to be incredibly naive or a real estate shill to think more luxury housing is going to make anything more affordable when they all work together to artificially inflate rents.
Ilanaspax t1_iwqa41z wrote
Reply to comment by ABrusca1105 in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
Okay grandpa time to get you to bed
Ilanaspax t1_iwovymv wrote
Reply to comment by STMIHA in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
It’s cute that you think the lack of affordable housing is just an overlooked issue and not a result of our local government and greedy developers working hand in hand to price out residents. Let me know how complaining to city council goes - it’s working great so far.
Ilanaspax t1_iwopv9b wrote
Reply to comment by STMIHA in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
Oh wow I didn't realize city council wasn't aware lack of affordable housing is a big problem in Jersey City. Do you have a phone number I can call to let them know?? Or should I call Fulop first? We gotta get the word out!
Ilanaspax t1_izog77p wrote
Reply to comment by keepseeing444 in 3 years later, Jersey City remembers kosher market shooting by DrMontalban