IllWorry8404 t1_ivf6e47 wrote
Reply to comment by 685327592 in Michael Bloomberg announces a new initiative to phase out coal in 25 countries. by Wagamaga
Yeah. You’re right. Leaders never engage with each other on the phone or at a summit. I’m sure they just sit aside and let the wind take them where they need to go. Putin is a notoriously difficult fuck to deal with - long before he invaded his neighbor. He has made leaders, Americans included, look out of their league more than once. Personally, I’d rather not have an empty suit in office that can deal with the shit leaders and our Allies, but to each their own.
IllWorry8404 t1_ivf5ap5 wrote
Reply to comment by 685327592 in Michael Bloomberg announces a new initiative to phase out coal in 25 countries. by Wagamaga
I think most debates are like that, but if you can’t even engage with other people on stage explaining why your policies are better than the other guy’s how good are you going to be locking horns with Putin/ MBS/ etc? I was underwhelmed by his entire campaign.
IllWorry8404 t1_ivf4j0z wrote
Reply to comment by 685327592 in Michael Bloomberg announces a new initiative to phase out coal in 25 countries. by Wagamaga
Potentially. I was excited about him as a candidate given what he’s done, but on the debate stage he was atrocious.
IllWorry8404 t1_iua8f9f wrote
Reply to comment by jazzfruit in Switching to all Darn Tough socks: How many pairs, what kinds? by Highwayman1717
Thank you. I was actually wondering if there were other brands that people liked more. I would like to try some to see if they work better for me.
IllWorry8404 t1_iu9u3cq wrote
Reply to comment by Octawussy in Switching to all Darn Tough socks: How many pairs, what kinds? by Highwayman1717
Lol what am I reading? I’ve never seen someone spout conspiracy theories and be so angry about socks. I don’t pretend to be an expert (unlike someone in this thread) but I like darn tough. I bought a pair the first time I went to the Grand Canyon and I agree with you. They seem strong and comfy.
IllWorry8404 t1_itejyo6 wrote
Reply to comment by gaurddog in Any recs for a pair of bypass loppers? My 20 year old Ace Hardware ones just snapped by Johnny_Carcinogenic
Stop. I can only get so hard.
IllWorry8404 t1_itejhxj wrote
Reply to comment by gaurddog in Any recs for a pair of bypass loppers? My 20 year old Ace Hardware ones just snapped by Johnny_Carcinogenic
If I were ever going to get tik tok it would be for those very same reasons.
IllWorry8404 t1_ja45mnx wrote
Reply to comment by SarahMagical in Chinese University Invents "Kissing Device" That Lets Users Smooch Over The Internet by Suspicious_Introvert
Quack quack