Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_itava2j wrote
Reply to comment by vasquca1 in You know it's bad when the "everything is rigged" guy agrees that the polls aren't rigged by ActivatedFamiliar
538 doesn't do any polling. They just aggregate the polls and make a forecast based on that.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_it9cj47 wrote
Reply to comment by wagsman in For anyone else who wasn't sure // Pa. election 2022: There will be no constitutional amendments on the Nov. 8 ballot by LightInTheAttic3
And Democrats are too lazy to show up in off year primaries, so they will probably pass. That's what usually happens.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_isqmsvu wrote
Reply to comment by JeffMathwig in How long does it take for vote by mail ballots to get to our house? by JeffMathwig
By the way, if you don't get your ballot but you can't make it to the polls on election day, there's another option, which is going to the county board of elections and casting a ballot in person. It's essentially in-person early voting.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_isp7qbz wrote
Last fall my ballot arrived the day after the election, more than 4 weeks after it was sent (according to the date on the website, though I question if that was the actual date they sent it). This time my ballot took two weeks to arrive if you go by the date on the website. I sent it back today.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_isp7cv7 wrote
Reply to comment by oldschoolskater in How long does it take for vote by mail ballots to get to our house? by JeffMathwig
If you have your mail-in ballot but want to vote in person, you can turn in your ballot/return envelope at the polling station. Then you can vote with a normal ballot rather than provisional.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_isidtpu wrote
Reply to comment by thewildwildkvetch in Ricketts Glen State Park in her autumn attire today by thewildwildkvetch
That's why I've never hiked that trail. Waiting for a chance to go there on a weekday when it's less crowded. I've been to Ricketts Glen in the winter to hike some of the other trails though.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irzi7y0 wrote
Reply to comment by pocketbookashtray in The Vulnerability of John Fetterman - Inside this year’s highest-stakes Senate race. by -TheFarce-
He was born in Cleveland actually.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irzi2zx wrote
Reply to comment by WookieeSteakIsChewie in The Vulnerability of John Fetterman - Inside this year’s highest-stakes Senate race. by -TheFarce-
There's a reason he and Dr Oz are running campaigns without any substance. It's because most voters don't actually care about policy. You might be an exception, but he's trying to appeal to the average voter.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iryoqr2 wrote
Reply to comment by oldschoolskater in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
I'm a student out of state, so I have to vote absentee (and have done so since I started voting). I've never had my ballot get lost in the mail, but there have been long delays. Last fall, I requested my ballot early but only got it the day after the election, more than four weeks after it was sent.
However, if you're not away like I am, you could sign up to vote by mail and use a drop box, and if you end up never receiving your ballot you can still cast a provisional ballot in person. There's also the option of voting early in person at your county's board of elections. That said, I'd probably just vote in person on election day if I could.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irympyx wrote
Reply to comment by ScienceWasLove in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
The ballots are collected up to election day. Ballots that arrive later aren't counted. The actual date that you put down doesn't actually matter, you could put something ridiculous like 8/34/9338 and it will still be counted, as long as you didn't leave it blank. It's based on arrival date, not the date written on the ballot.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irymbjc wrote
Reply to comment by gasp_girl_programmer in The Philadelphia Inquirer: The Supreme Court just undid a key ruling for counting undated Pennsylvania mail ballots by oldschoolskater
That's correct. Same is true if you forget to place your ballot inside the secrecy envelope before placing it in the mailing envelope.
If you're voting by mail, you need to pay close attention to the instructions and follow every step.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irudyol wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Should Pennsylvania townships be considered as cities/towns? by Polskamon1
New England's town meeting system is interesting, it's one of the few areas where direct democracy is used.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irudbcq wrote
Reply to comment by Speakslinux in Should Pennsylvania townships be considered as cities/towns? by Polskamon1
I'm referring to the land specifically, since many states (especially out west) have a lot of land that is not part of any municipality. Unincorporated villages and towns exist in PA, but they are just geographic locations that are governed by whatever municipality they are in. I grew up in such a village that is spread across two townships (although there are no exact boundaries of the village).
As for Centralia, when it is unincorporated the land itself will become part of the surrounding township most likely.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irox9dz wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in Should Pennsylvania townships be considered as cities/towns? by Polskamon1
> Ross Township
I think OP is probably referring to the Ross Township next to Pittsburgh, which is suburban, not rural.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irowl1g wrote
Reply to comment by AlbrechtSchoenheiser in Should Pennsylvania townships be considered as cities/towns? by Polskamon1
I'm not sure how common it is in Indiana, but Wikipedia says that Fort Wayne, the second largest city in the state, annexed an area containing 25k residents back in 2006.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iroukfg wrote
PA does not have any unincorporated land. Every piece of land is part of one of 2,560 municipalities (township, borough, city, or in one case, town). The townships tend to be rural countryside or suburban sprawl. They are not cities.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irhnwl9 wrote
Reply to comment by MuckRaker83 in Democratic lawmakers introduce bill to stop wage theft in PA by susinpgh
It's not gerrymandered anymore. With this year's maps, Biden won a slight majority of the state house districts.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_ir1h82k wrote
Reply to comment by X_PRSN in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
Conservatives hate America.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iqntwcy wrote
Reply to comment by reverendsteveii in Pa. Supreme Court Chief Justice Max Baer dies at 74 by finderdj
But that will only be a temporary appointment. The seat will be up for direct election in November 2023.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_iqn51z1 wrote
His seat will be up for election next year (November 2023). For those of you who don't show up to odd year elections, this is a reason to vote.
Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_itnzlnh wrote
Reply to Question regarding Absentee Ballot/Voter Residency by The10Steel
If you're a college student you can remain a PA voter.
It's pretty late for requesting an absentee ballot though - you should have done it a month ago. At this point there's a pretty big chance that your ballot won't get to you and back in time (I know from experience, voting as a college student). So you must request a ballot as soon as possible. And if the ballot gets to you in time, I would consider sending it back via UPS or Fedex (call your county to ask if this is OK). The completed ballot has to reach your county by 8 pm on 11/8. And remember to follow the instructions exactly - use the secrecy envelope, and sign/date the return envelope.