
Imaginary_Kangaroo80 OP t1_jdarddy wrote

Reply to comment by huh_phd in Other states.. by Imaginary_Kangaroo80

Did I say this state was perfect and free of crime? No, am I saying it’s better with crime compared to other states, perhaps a bit yeah. Am I biased? Perhaps, I’ve been around to a few states but never lived in any. So what’s your point? To point out it’s not as great as it looks because I’m not saying that. I’m saying I appreciate this state and everything it has to offer even with its shortcomings, cons and all


Imaginary_Kangaroo80 OP t1_jdaouxd wrote

Sheesh, sorry you’ve met some mean people. We’re not all like that. I won’t disagree with you, we are not the most nicest bunch, I think that we tend to mind our business more so. Could be wrong on that though. I’ve had people tell me they never know their neighbors compared to when they are in other states


Imaginary_Kangaroo80 OP t1_jdai9vo wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Other states.. by Imaginary_Kangaroo80

100% poverty does breed crime. I’m thankful to be in a fortunate lucky spot but this state does have a high rent problem among other things but I’m thinking on the positives. Hopefully these things do get better. For everyone.