ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5ov6tu wrote
Reply to comment by zstansberries in Native plants by zstansberries
Echinacia Rudbeckia and Yarrow do very well here. But definitely talk to the folks at Sneeds for their recommendations!
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5ouq4f wrote
Reply to Native plants by zstansberries and Sneeds has a whole native section right up front
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5oluzf wrote
Reply to Picnic Location ideas! by 8retts
Less naturey, but you can get a picnic basket at Garnett's and take it to eat across the street in the park.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5ggcqk wrote
Reply to comment by AndThenThereWasQueso in RIP Postbellum by Littleprisonprism
It's a great spot. Went there often in the summer for punch and $1 oysters. Hopefully new owners will take advantage of that space.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j55brdu wrote
Reply to comment by nilsrva in Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva
I also don't know different state's mayors or cabinet members.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j552ymp wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva
This is how I feel about all the questions like "who is the new prime minister of some country i cant locate on a map and will never visit." I don't venture out of rva because last time i checked the news it was depressing.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j4vf80a wrote
Reply to Living in the City of Richmond by CrossFitPotter
I'm a big fan of living in Oregon Hill. I can walk to the bars and the river in 10 minutes. There are some houses with enough back yard to let dogs run and a central park that is used for dog exercise too. The 2 houses that were for sale are now pending but it's worth keeping an eye out for listings here. Owner occupied is increasing and families are moving in.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j4tkb9o wrote
Reply to comment by pretendmermaid in half pipes ??? by pretendmermaid
Just constructed so it should be smooth still.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j4pwxbh wrote
Reply to comment by Djlewzer in Where are all the public restrooms?????? by Lennyisback81
It's an issue because of drug use. That's why the Bryan Park one, for example, has been closed. Now there are portapotties.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j4pn3dw wrote
Reply to half pipes ??? by pretendmermaid
Maybe try the Southside Community Center skatepark.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j3wktnj wrote
Reply to comment by raindeerpie in Wednesdaily by stickynohte
In the same way they were never going to overturn Roe v Wade?
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j2f9fl1 wrote
Reply to comment by orthopteran in Super Early New Years Eve Daily. by popeboyQ
I purchased so many used ones from the Book Depository that are stacked up. Ones that have been made into shows (Station Eleven, severance) or movies (white noise, women talking, the wonder) and even the manga for Alice in Borderland. Need to read all those!
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j2f91w1 wrote
Reply to comment by indieschoollib in Super Early New Years Eve Daily. by popeboyQ
Wasn't thinking of being that organized just hoping for at least a book a month if not more. It's so easy to just play on my phone instead of reading and that's the habit I need to shake.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j2dlmlc wrote
Reply to Super Early New Years Eve Daily. by popeboyQ
Better half is working so I should start on my resolution to read more. Hitting up either Rosie's or PLP for a 7pm toast because this old lady rarely makes it past 830 anymore.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j28qfka wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in New Year's Eve Eve Daily by Herculicia
Worst score ever and now I'm inundated with posts about some guy that everyone else seems to know about on every subreddit. How am I so out of the loop???
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j28lfx6 wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in New Year's Eve Eve Daily by Herculicia
I love No Such Thing as a Fish. Funny British people going on deep dives into random facts. You can pick it up at any episode.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1zh7g2 wrote
Reply to Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
Y'all are gonna hate me, but I don't see the appeal of food at Joe's Inn. They have a nice bar scene but I wasn't impressed by the meals I've had there. Much prefer Bombolini pasta cooked at home and a pint of Guinness at Penny Lane or Rosie's.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1z68u8 wrote
Reply to comment by stickynohte in Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
Only been once, but really liked their fish tacos and margarita. Just not convenient so I haven't gone again. I was more disappointed by don't look back. I miss the fish tacos at Sullys happy hour.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1viu3z wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Invite_5528 in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
The idea is nice, but when 99% of the dogs at the shelter are some sort of pit mix that are triggered by other dogs, cats, and kids, it really limits your options.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1vii6k wrote
Reply to comment by artsberry in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
My dad sent me a book about the Illuminati. It made an excellent white elephant gift the next day.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1hry9f wrote
Reply to comment by Rs90 in Happy Christmakkah Eve Daily by jorahwhoremont
Husband had to take my car bc his wouldn't even start this morning!
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j1hrv0g wrote
Reply to comment by dr_nerdface in Happy Christmakkah Eve Daily by jorahwhoremont
I have new windows. I dont think they make a huge difference lol. It's likely the 1890 house built directly on the ground with no insulation.....
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j18m5cb wrote
Reply to comment by Herculicia in Weekend Event Thread by AutoModerator
Whereabouts? Have a Guinness and some Hadji Bey for me!
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j0ywupj wrote
Reply to District 04 Voting Tuesdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Voted around 7 at Dogtown Dance and it was super quick and easy. Kudos to all the people that worked hard to get everything set up in time. I have to do a site visit and I absolutely hate it. I don't function in the cold and I dislike leaving the house and driving anywhere.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5tirzm wrote
Reply to comment by 3FoxInATrenchcoat in Anyone know of places around that sell black wedding dresses or would be able to order them? by xDocFearx
Oh wow the Watson one is gorgeous and I don't even like dresses. The rest kinda look like lingerie.