
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6o5pky wrote

I am aware. Civil engineer here, though not specifically traffic engineer. It has to be a twofold approach. Bumpouts and striping aren't enough to counteract asshole drivers. There are bumpouts and crosswalks along Main and people joked about the signage getting run over. We need cops to do their jobs too. Why even have a hands free rule for example of no one is ever ticketed for being on their phones? When that was rolled out in CT 10 years ago people were getting pulled over all the time.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6o36vd wrote

Either cops do their jobs or we get just a traffic enforcement entity that isn't armed and dangerous. But people on their own won't do the right thing. We have narrow streets with parking on both sides and stop signs and people are still booking it. People driving through stop lights. Not stopping at even well marked crosswalks. Because they know there is no repercussions to those actions.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6egpcc wrote

The response I got about traffic volumes was that Cumberland could be used instead. Granted this discourse is limited to r/VCU and Twitter so this is likely not a majority opinion. Just like the tweet that blamed traffic engineers for making it possible for people to drive fast and distracted.

I do recognize that as a car driver, we automatically default to inconveniencing autos least. In a perfect world we'd all be biking. I know I'm terrified of riding a bike though, but might do it in a place where bikes and peds were favored over cars.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6econg wrote

Some students want Main to be closed to traffic during the day. Not sure how that impacts delivery drivers, commuters and access to Altria. Could make sense if we made Cary two way which may reduce speeding there. Two birds kind of thing. I expect the City won't do anything and cops will continue to ignore speeders and people on phones.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6849sc wrote

Reply to comment by Kelevracado4287 in The Night Thread by Asterion7

Same. I don't think I should be dry forever though because it will not ultimately bring me happiness. Putting another boundary on myself has made me even more antisocial, bitter at my spouse and missing out on a huge section of Richmond entertainment.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j6841wx wrote

Taking an appliance to the dump. It will be the first time leaving the house all week. Woot! Edit: the awesome lady at the transfer station told us to go down the street and get money for it. 19 bucks and a scratch ticket for our junk metal!


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j5yoxep wrote

And you can't see around them when they're parked and they always pull up past the stop bar at intersections forcing a no turn on red. "But I need this to haul a couch once every 10 years" or "I like sitting up high so I can see around me." Yeah fucker, and then you make it impossible for people in normal sized cars to see anything.