If the problem stems from insecurities do better be better. It’s simple in a world with Instagram models you have to be a competitor everyday. You have to be honest with yourself and ask am I doing everything I can to be the best version of myself?
Now for a personal tip! You can’t be afraid in your relationship it’s unhealthy. If he’s going to cheat it will happen with or without you stressing over it. So love him and love yourself more.
ImpossibleCarrot5220 t1_iugx44p wrote
Reply to I need desperate help by Electrical-Letter132
My two cents
If the problem stems from insecurities do better be better. It’s simple in a world with Instagram models you have to be a competitor everyday. You have to be honest with yourself and ask am I doing everything I can to be the best version of myself?
Now for a personal tip! You can’t be afraid in your relationship it’s unhealthy. If he’s going to cheat it will happen with or without you stressing over it. So love him and love yourself more.
-he chose you