IndeterminateYogurt t1_jaf2e37 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Germany tells Israel death penalty would be a mistake by misana123
Your ancestor might have killed one of my ancestors. Does that make you guilty?
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j6mfolh wrote
Reply to comment by NoPriorThreat in Germany’s Scholz denounces ‘bidding war’ over jets for Ukraine by SANS_CRICKET
No, of course not. Unsurprisingly the country that is both contractually and culturally limited in its military size and, different to eastern europe, has no big stockpiles of soviet weaponry (because we gave it to them decades ago), is not leading by GDP.
Still more than the US, UK, France, Italy and Spain tho.
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j6iirxv wrote
Reply to comment by Current-Direction-97 in Germany’s Scholz denounces ‘bidding war’ over jets for Ukraine by SANS_CRICKET
Yup, thats why we're leading the EU in aid. Its all a ruse...
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j6iipez wrote
Reply to comment by Endolph in Germany’s Scholz denounces ‘bidding war’ over jets for Ukraine by SANS_CRICKET
>Scholz loves to be the center of attention answering a question in an interview with a german newspaper if he wants to send jets?
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j6e3abx wrote
Reply to comment by LeoFrei7as in German chancellor says he won't send fighter jets to Ukraine by tet420
Literally said "we only send tanks if theres a broad coalition". Did exactly that. Everyone acts surprised.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dn9sr wrote
Reply to comment by Boonpflug in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Its a line indicating 2% of gdp, should've added a label to make it more clear
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dkrsx wrote
Reply to comment by MMAgeezer in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
I used this:
# geom_smooth(
# method = "glm",
# formula = y ~ x,
# method.args = list(family = gaussian(link = 'log')),
is that not how to do a log-log-transformation in ggplot2? So far haven't worked with a lot of log-scaled data
EDIT: ah, seems to only log y. That explains the curvature.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dh2kg wrote
Reply to comment by MMAgeezer in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Actually used a different one (quite a while ago, can't remember the name), but this one looks even more functional, so thank you for the recommendation! :D
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dgb9z wrote
Reply to comment by gscjj in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
You could argue tho, that the "We can kill anything that moves wherever it is in less than 30 seconds"-ability the US gets for not spending a bit of the money on healthcare and education is a bit overkill and a bit unneeded.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2det1y wrote
Reply to comment by SquirrelAkl in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
its relative, and not about overall spending: both NZL and AUS have a high gdp/capita, and a high defspending/capita.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dclwb wrote
Reply to comment by Federal_Fisherman104 in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Hi back from germany :)
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dbk4c wrote
Reply to comment by farmallnoobies in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
AFAIK there is no difference
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2dbj26 wrote
Reply to comment by jakubkonecki in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
yeah just getting into geom_label_repel, definitely not perfect :D
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2czt9s wrote
Reply to comment by de6u99er in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Its a dataset with 146 countries, cleaned up for NA's and such. So probably around all 30, maybe one or two less.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2czj55 wrote
Reply to comment by virtuouspapaya in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Same graph with labels removed and lin. regressions for country groups, if thats what you mean? a bit messy tho.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2cz73q wrote
Reply to comment by kthnxbai123 in [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
thanks! yeah, the World Bank thankfully supplies metadata regarding regions. Generally a great source for socioeconomic data that is easy to use! Theres even an R package to download data directly from their servers.
IndeterminateYogurt OP t1_j2cvgov wrote
Reply to [OC] Around 30% of countries spend more than 2% of GDP on their military by IndeterminateYogurt
Data:, data sets for gdp, population, defense spending, percentage of defense spending.
Tools used: R with ggplot2
Explanation: The black line represents 2% of GDP spent on the military, hence countries above that line spend more.
IndeterminateYogurt t1_j2395g6 wrote
Reply to comment by Due-Reading6335 in Germany urges Kosovo Serb militants to remove barricades | Barricades erected by ethnic Serbs in the north of Kosovo are illegal and must be dismantled, Germany says. Berlin slammed "nationalist rhetoric" amid rising tensions in the Balkans. by misana123
Not an expert: The balkans is an ethnic mess, where everyone hates everyone, that was kept together under Tito for decades. Tito dies in the 80's, the Serbs (biggest player in Yugoslavia) start treating the other ethnicities like shit, these break free (Bosnia, Croatia etc.). Kosovo (mostly albanians, at least in the west) breaks off Serbia officially in 2007, but Serbia ofc does not recognize this.
In the northeastern part of the territory held by Kosovo, there are many people that are ethnically serbs and are not in favor of the government. Over some number plate dispute, they started blocking roads with the rest of Kosovo. Serbia starts their propaganda machine, tensions run high. War still unlikely because of UN forces in the area and because Serbia wants to join the EU at some point.
IndeterminateYogurt t1_jaf2k87 wrote
Reply to comment by yax51 in Germany tells Israel death penalty would be a mistake by misana123
This is a bullshit take. Honestly. Its not 1945 anymore, grow up.