
IndicationOver t1_iz06cai wrote

Reply to comment by megapeptobismol in Homesteaders by megapeptobismol

>I think there is a push for people to grow gardens, a few chickens and maybe get some land.

I'm not saying that at all, I am just going off my perspective. That is why I brought up you are in Litchfield County.

I can't imagine in my area of the state.

Also startup cost and property taxes are some of the highest in the country as you know for that but hey maybe you are wealthy CT.


IndicationOver t1_iz00fhw wrote

Good luck with that in CT but then again you do live in Litchfield County

That lifestyle and community just seems better in other parts of the country imo.


IndicationOver t1_iyees2i wrote

>Nothing would make me happier than seeing the large scale American Mall model die.

they literally are dying and will, not sure why you got so many downvotes lol

everyone shops online now an I say this as person who like fashion

most generic or middle tier stores have been having shitty sales for a few years now due to fast fashion online boutiques also.


IndicationOver t1_iwrk287 wrote

Reply to comment by giant_toad42 in XL Center vs. Mohegan by ec34500

>Compare Hartford to our other cities. What's there to do?

It sucks lol.........I didn't like it growing up either. People also do not realize how small Hartford is I think, I think that is part of there reason it gets no love besides the crazy business taxes.