IndicationOver t1_iz00fhw wrote
Reply to Homesteaders by megapeptobismol
Good luck with that in CT but then again you do live in Litchfield County
That lifestyle and community just seems better in other parts of the country imo.
IndicationOver t1_iyxrt3o wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious-Winter61 in Shitter was full on Avon Mountain by CaesarSaladin7
Ah thank you
IndicationOver t1_iyenozp wrote
Reply to comment by GinnyMonk1 in CT had the second-highest average monthly electric bill in 2021 by GinnyMonk1
No your article is current you did nothing wrong what I am saying is this is old information, like years old many residents know already.
IndicationOver t1_iyemex1 wrote
OP we all knew this already.
We are second behind Hawaii.
IndicationOver t1_iyees2i wrote
Reply to comment by B6304T4 in The Ninety-Nine gets 86'd. by TrashPandaShire
>Nothing would make me happier than seeing the large scale American Mall model die.
they literally are dying and will, not sure why you got so many downvotes lol
everyone shops online now an I say this as person who like fashion
most generic or middle tier stores have been having shitty sales for a few years now due to fast fashion online boutiques also.
IndicationOver t1_ix4vcv7 wrote
Its funny OP is getting so many downvotes like people did not know this was a real thing?
IndicationOver t1_ix4rvya wrote
Reply to Trader Joe’s vs Stew’s by Flimsy_Bit_2908
Your last sentence is trying to keep grocery cost under control like everyone else.
I like Stew's but are you familiar with it at all?
IndicationOver t1_ix0tfv0 wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
I know who George Carlin is and he died in 2008, I fail to see how you think you are making a point?
You even linked George Carlin content from 2007 like that was to further prove your no point?
You are a smooth brain Patriot
IndicationOver t1_ix0pg0o wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s has what to do with 2022?
Also George Carlin is dead
You wrote all that and made no point?
IndicationOver t1_ix0b8x6 wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
>I'm not a cult follower, or think it's a one person show.
You fooled me by calling yourself Patriot and denying climate change clearly
IndicationOver t1_ix03o0v wrote
Reply to comment by mkt853 in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
Trump no longer main draw, DeSantis a star, at Republican Jewish Coalition convention
I'm just here to see the Trump vs DeSantis social media showdown!
IndicationOver t1_ix02rsh wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
>Although, I am looking at Florida in the near future. Can't beat the weather....or the Governor 😁
Are you team Trump or team DeSantis?
IndicationOver t1_iwzynue wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in Snow last night - good or bad sign for climate change? by Gold_Accountant2898
You wrote all that to say you do not believe in climate change lol?
You should move to the FL coastline why do you live in CT among all these people who do not refer to themselves as patriots?
IndicationOver OP t1_iwzswmz wrote
Reply to comment by IpsoFactoReacto in I think most here would agree. by IndicationOver
>You're going to find some great pizza in CT, NY, and NJ.
Absolutely. Its just petty bragging rights at the end of the day.
IndicationOver OP t1_iwx9dyr wrote
Reply to comment by Jets237 in I think most here would agree. by IndicationOver
Funny thing about this convo people from NJ think they are better than both of us pizza wise.
IndicationOver OP t1_iwwfc05 wrote
Reply to comment by Jets237 in I think most here would agree. by IndicationOver
Since NY is only next door I grew up on both. Love NYC and know Long Island well since my dad side of family from there. You're Jets fan or is that just a coincidence?
My pride is going with CT but it is also true.
IndicationOver OP t1_iwwf0qk wrote
Reply to comment by starckie in I think most here would agree. by IndicationOver
Besides Philly, I know nothing about PA. I'm intrigued.
IndicationOver OP t1_iww75g8 wrote
Reply to comment by Pancrat in I think most here would agree. by IndicationOver
name and shame
Submitted by IndicationOver t3_yyt8a2 in Connecticut
IndicationOver t1_iwvjn82 wrote
Reply to comment by Gloomy-Incident4783 in Anyone in Central CT looking for friends? by [deleted]
weird way to make friends for sure, why is meeting people so hard for ppl on this subreddit its not a CT thing imo.
IndicationOver t1_iwsw6an wrote
Reply to comment by Allinorfold34 in Catalytic Converter stolen in Vernon by MightyTuba
They do steal EV batteries but it is much more difficult than catalytic converters.
IndicationOver t1_iwsqkb3 wrote
Reply to comment by TheOkayestName in Dang, these bastards are relentless. by TheDogsNameWasFrank
Republicans dont even care about climate change
IndicationOver t1_iwrk287 wrote
Reply to comment by giant_toad42 in XL Center vs. Mohegan by ec34500
>Compare Hartford to our other cities. What's there to do?
It sucks lol.........I didn't like it growing up either. People also do not realize how small Hartford is I think, I think that is part of there reason it gets no love besides the crazy business taxes.
IndicationOver t1_iz06cai wrote
Reply to comment by megapeptobismol in Homesteaders by megapeptobismol
>I think there is a push for people to grow gardens, a few chickens and maybe get some land.
I'm not saying that at all, I am just going off my perspective. That is why I brought up you are in Litchfield County.
I can't imagine in my area of the state.
Also startup cost and property taxes are some of the highest in the country as you know for that but hey maybe you are wealthy CT.