
Indy_420 t1_j9dzhcd wrote

right so because she believes in conspiracy theories she's a fascist in your mind? You sound like your in the liberal cult of left speak. where everything that is not what you believe is either A: racist, B:nazi/fascist, or C: a trumper/maga Keep repeating the buzz words from your bubble.


Indy_420 t1_j99d6ky wrote

An employee was wearing a Q sweatshirt who gives a fuck. Now your gonna boycott the store? just don't even come out of your house if a sweatshirt is gonna offend you, good god your so weak minded. Posting this just goes to show how vicious this subreddit is to any outside views that don't align with MSNBC. OMG look its a person who doesn't agree with my politics.. Get the Pitchforks. "Everyone who is woke must be warned to stay out of Saki's pizza because they have thoughts and opinions that I don't like." This is what I hear when I see this post.


Indy_420 t1_j8c1qr5 wrote

I wonder how many of these comments got deleted because it hurt some ones feelings. Aka the weak minded, go ahead protest this comedian now that I know the melting flakes hate him I might just buy some tickets thanks for helping me support a funny comedian I had no idea was coming to pvd. Canceling someone from allegations never proven correct. sad. This is how innocent people are hurt from the woke elite judging everyone from their ivory towers with no proof but some documentary made to make money off some ones else's success.


Indy_420 t1_j7vdy5s wrote

Any DeAngelo's. I would also say there korean cheese stake is amazing. I know a lot of people hate of DeAngelo's but if you find a shop that doesn't have morons making the sandwich they come out very tasty. There is a reason why there are so many in the state.


Indy_420 t1_j6c2yf9 wrote

The Armory should be full of weapons and ammo for RI citizens incase of attack from our enemies not full of drug addicts and insane people. What happened to the stock pile of ammo and arms? The united states government did a 75 year study that concluded that there is always about 10% of the population that cannot take care of themselves and will be perpetually homeless. So to be harsh, fuck these people. The longer we keep supporting them with fresh needles and "help" that never works the longer we perpetuate their bullshit. Not sorry. The best thing to do is ship them to a warm state and give them loads of fetynel and let nature take its course. Because when it comes down to it no one wants homeless drug addicts fighting, shitting, leaving needles in their neighborhood. No one wants that shit!
