
Inert_Uncle_858 t1_iv104e0 wrote

He's white. Who cares? I'm not racist. He has loyalties to an authoritarian dictatorship. That's a valid criticism.

You may be mistaking me for a feel good compromise on everything, political moderate performative outrage SJW liberal.

I'm working class, progressive with leftist views on social programs and tax allocation. Rural, pro labor. We're tough, but we can be tougher together.

Plus that sentence was in reference to how republicans (typically extra xenophobic) chose him over other candidates.


Inert_Uncle_858 t1_iv0xvwu wrote

He's a carpetbagging quack scammer snake oil salesmen.

His only qualification for running is that he sucked up to trump and got an endorsement. He has no political experience at all. He's literally a Hollywood elite running off his TV fame. What a piece of shit.

He's a foreigner ffs. Has loyalties to a nation generally not considered to be friendly to the US.

That the race is going to be as close as it is is a goddamn travesty. How is this the guy republicans picked? Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Meanwhile his opponent is a Lifelong PA resident who was mayor of a town with all the problems that plague rust belt Pennsylvania. He knows how to help Pennsylvanians. He's seen our struggle firsthand.

Oz will 100% only work to enrich himself and line the pockets of his wealthy donor and rich business friends. That's not even a question. How anyone can vote for that hack is beyond me.

Vote Fetterman.


Inert_Uncle_858 t1_iukr63p wrote

Why do you want to come to America for college? Don't get me wrong Penn State is a good school but there's probably a better one in Europe you can attend for free.

Compared to Europe Pennsylvania (which is the best state imo, I love my state) is stupid expensive. This is America, we have very few social programs and those that do kind of suck/only for the very poorest citizens.

Like literally we have people who starve because they make "too much" to qualify for aid. You won't be killed lol, unless you go looking for trouble, I'm sure it's the same in Europe. It's not a war zone... Yet lmao.

Do you have any marketable skills? (Trade experience, apprenticeships) because if not you will likely end up working in retail through college. It pays terribly. PA has one of the lowest minimum wages and is "at will" employment, so they'll fire you for like literally no reason. There's hardly any union power except in certain industries, and you'll be exploited as much as you are willing to take.

Lol don't get me wrong I love Pennsylvania, but if I was born and raised in Europe I would just stay there. Life would be exponentially easier.