InevitablePersimmon6 t1_j5vpvga wrote
Reply to can someone meteorologically explain why snow is adverse to pittsburgh or does mother nature just not want to see us pgh skiers happy? by d071399
I grew up in Washington County and my sister and I always asked this in high school because it seemed like everyone got delays and cancellations but us. I feel like we got a lot more snow though back in the 80s and 90s when I was a kid than we do now.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_j5voz56 wrote
Reply to New tenants are getting screwed by blondiebell
This is what they do everywhere. Back in 2008 I moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Brookline and my rent was only $525/month plus electric. By the time I bought a house in 2014 and moved, my rent had gone up to $675/month with no renovations. Once I gave notice I was moving, they came in and put in new floors and counters and charged the next person $850/month. It was crazy to me.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_j2sdp1m wrote
I love just driving the back roads. I’ll take the turnpike if I need to be somewhere quickly, but otherwise it’s nice just to see how beautiful our state is. Especially driving through the Laurel Mountains or through the small towns over on the east side of the state.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iz6rnxf wrote
Reply to Can someone from the borough remove the cover from your car to take pictures of it in PA? by Haroflolpter
That sounds like you had a neighbor who pulled that shit on you and sent the photos in with a complaint.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iyf8bb0 wrote
Reply to Am I missing something, here? by CurrentSingleStatus
I didn’t even know corn was a choice of pizza topping
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iy6dsjw wrote
Reply to Yinz get your tree yet? by howlinwoolf
Candle Tree Farm in Washington
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujkd69 wrote
Reply to I am doing a mail in ballot. Am I able to just drop off the ballot off at the USPS dropbox? by Mercury26
We put ours in a blue USPS box and it was accepted the next morning.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujjyok wrote
Reply to Melts in your mouth not your hand? by SmileItsNallo
This reminds me of when St Joan of Arc in South Park had their sign say “practice resurrection” at Easter. Like wtf does that even mean?
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujjbxq wrote
Reply to Mail Carrier can't get in building by KoBxElucidator
Mozart has been garbage as long as they’ve been around so this isn’t a shock. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. I’d report it on
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujj4cb wrote
Reply to comment by LinkRunner337 in Queer friendly salon specializing in natural hair? by sparrowhawking
Wow wtf dude?
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujixbw wrote
Reply to USPS Problems? by williestargell1972
September and October our BarkBox orders got “lost”. The September box showed up twice because they sent a replacement and then the original came after. This month our replacement also is “lost”.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iujibv2 wrote
PG loves to rip apart any democrat. They hated Peduto too. Gainey is doing his best, but the city does have enough police to do patrols and there are just so many gangs right now.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iuji54z wrote
Reply to I saw on Erie News Now (WICU) that the PG has endorsed OZ instead of Fetterman by alienboy17
PG is super conservative.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iuhxp02 wrote
Reply to comment by 500percentDone in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
I’ve never eaten there (which I’m sure is rare for a south hills raised person), but now I definitely know not to!
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iugmacb wrote
Reply to comment by LL_is_a_Cool_J in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
But why are we comparing someone owning a gun (which isn’t even necessary) to a woman not being able to end a pregnancy that would kill her? It drives me insane that gun rights are even a topic when there are so many actual important things like healthcare, education, homelessness, etc. No one NEEDS to own a deadly weapon. They do, however, need to be able to take care of themselves, feed themselves, and have somewhere safe and warm to live.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iugjo7t wrote
Reply to comment by poopsonthepotty in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
I thought Jim & Lou Lou’s got sold to different people? Isn’t it Mom & Pop’s Country Kitchen now or something like that?
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iugjhv9 wrote
Reply to comment by die-jarjar-die in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
Oh ugh 🤮🤮 that would have immediately made me lose my appetite.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iugjgld wrote
Reply to comment by Repo_co in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
We drive past it all the time and I can never believe how busy they are. It’s crazy to me. I remember him holding a rally protesting the COVID shutdowns and still serving food and alcohol and I couldn’t believe they didn’t lose their liquor license and get shut down. COVID brought out all the idiots.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iugj3uq wrote
Reply to comment by DarthNihilus2 in Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
Hahaha! Good. I just remember Wendy Bell being there all the time and I couldn’t understand the hype. Al’s Cafe is unfortunately still open and always full.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iufmi7t wrote
Reply to What’s the best neighborhood sign? by SqHill
Definitely not Beechview. The people painted on their mural are yikes lol
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iufm47k wrote
Reply to Car detailing by [deleted]
Team Nutz on route 88 in Castle Shannon is the best detailer I’ve ever gone to. That’s in the south hills, but seriously it’s awesome.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_iufknko wrote
Reply to Big Thanks to the local businesses putting election campaign signs on their windows by LockedOutOfElfland
I avoid anywhere with Trump signs or signs of politicians who have supported him. I now live in Peters Township and businesses in Washington County aren’t afraid to show their political leanings. Neither are ones in Fayette County. It’s easy to eliminate things. I’ve also seen idiots (like that Crack’d Egg place in Brentwood or Al’s Cafe in Bethel Park) post on social media about how they bucked COVID restrictions and put everyone at risk, so that helped my family never give them money.
InevitablePersimmon6 t1_j5vqc0q wrote
Reply to comment by blondiebell in New tenants are getting screwed by blondiebell
They took the carpets out. Left the old windows and bathroom stuff though so it didn’t seem like much to me. I remember asking them if I could get upgraded too since they kept raising my rent and they told me that they would as long as I was willing to pay “new tenant” rates. Landlords are a racket.