
Inevitable_Syrup777 t1_je2jqtl wrote

well my prompts are hugely specific to my current situation.

Some general examples though:

giving it my job history and skillset and asking it to write me a resume for xyz career.

asking it to write programs for me, like translators, calculators, calendars, my own notepad program. (i write these programs using game dev software because I just can.)

I won't even waste your time telling you about the videogame mechanics I've been developing. long story extremely short, I've programmed for 5 years, done EVERY tutorial, have literally 900 unique youtube links in a notepad file each link goes to a tutorial, a playlist, or a channel involved directly with (Unity game engine tutorials). I've taken extensive notes. Using this chatbot I have literally exploded and all that knowledge is almost worthless.

all these years of collecting and learning, and now I have a freakin virtual ferrari assistant that literally rockets me directly to my destination. This thing turned 5 years into, well, almost a complete waste of time. the only value of that time spent is my experience and comfort with the software that allows me to reach heights no other (single human) game dev has reached (not counting outliers of course)

I ask it for recipes, I ask it for workout routines, I ask it for nutrition requirements for my specific body type (6" male 150). I ask it how to accomplish X, how to build battery packs, how to build portable wireless lamps, I've used programs that I've written using the bot to literally make (making money) easier. It's ACTUALLY improved my life.

Huge wall of text, fingers sore. Hope that helps. Good luck man. Literally ask it anything. I even asked it about finding paying work as a felon. True valuable advice was given. You could ask it how to stop bad habits, why I bite my nails? How to stop? literally just ask it. Look into your mind, close your eyes and let your worries wash over you. concentrate on your fears. then share that fear with the bot, and it will totally wake you up.

I have a future because of AI.


Inevitable_Syrup777 t1_jdormsh wrote

no, currently it would be using images in it's own database. that would mean harold smith would simply be drawn as john doe from the image database. john doe is just training data and doesn't exist in real life in this instance. i saw the image results, from looking at a skyscaper, yes it drew a skyscraper but the skyscraper looked like the training image, not the real life image seen by the person.