Infinite_Carpenter t1_j3wnggb wrote
The Republican Party, with its lies and Christian Nationalism, is a fascist party. There has been no accountability for their attempted insurrection and it’s emboldened them to push even further. We need government transparency and justice for their actions if we want a functioning democratic society.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j2fmjdh wrote
Reply to comment by bullymeahhh in George Santos claimed he had a brain tumor by newzee1
He definitely said he was jewish. He hasn't discussed how he avoided criminal prosecution in Brazil. He was married to a woman until 2020, details still MIA.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j1ho4sa wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in G.O.P. Gains Strength on N.Y. City Council, as a Democrat Breaks Ranks by irish_fellow_nyc
I always appreciate a TLDR
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0ql2om wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
Our system doesn’t have that either.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0peb6z wrote
Reply to comment by Turbulent_Link1738 in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
The country isn’t equipped for it. If we can’t medically treat people to the point where they’re functional, long term care is needed. We simply don’t have those facilities. Investment is necessary but the financial will to help them is not. Prison isn’t the place for mentally disturbed individuals.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0pdxnq wrote
Reply to comment by Dichotopotamus in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
Not really. If you want to stop violence and bring people out of poverty we’ll need housing, education, and health care. How we get these things is a debate but we can all agree we lack them.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0nhn82 wrote
Reply to comment by shotpun in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
Well said.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0nhj0h wrote
Reply to comment by DifficultyNext7666 in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who says they want people to be homeless or on the streets. The mayors plans so far have been short sighted at best.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0nh8tc wrote
Reply to comment by Dichotopotamus in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
Because it’s expensive and there’s no will to help these people.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0n7nzb wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
I agree crime should be prosecuted. No one argued otherwise. Addiction is a treatable disease too.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0n6xfu wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
I’d want them to get the care they needed. Wouldn’t you? Preventing violence requires investing in shelter, education, and housing.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0mry5n wrote
Reply to comment by seejordan3 in 27-year-old woman stabbed to death at Manhattan women’s shelter by Snoo-27930
That’s exactly it. Fear mongering.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j0lhcwf wrote
And this subreddit is wondering why the homeless aren’t flocking to the shelter system.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j02t6o4 wrote
Reply to comment by CactusBoyScout in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
I always wanted to go. Just needed some local advice.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izyuxcl wrote
Reply to comment by WeightFun6124 in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Thanks. It sounds more like a warm weather trip.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izykdcp wrote
Reply to comment by cmereu2me in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Sounds dope. Thank you!
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izykbzv wrote
Reply to comment by Flivver_King in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Damnnnn I don’t even know how to swim.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izyjsld wrote
Reply to comment by Flivver_King in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Sounds like a different world than the rest of the city. Wild.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izyi9sc wrote
Reply to comment by Flivver_King in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Any other activities you recommend? City Island is so far that I’d make a day of it. I think I’d have to walk from the 6.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_izyg5df wrote
Reply to comment by Flivver_King in What Is New York’s Greenest Borough? Probably Not the One You Think. by CactusBoyScout
Any other recs for the area?
Infinite_Carpenter t1_ix359pz wrote
Reply to comment by 2nd_Ave_Delilah in Students at NYC high school get third grade-level lessons on Goldilocks by fppencollector
Charter schools are terrible in every way. From student outcomes, to tax payer cost, to impact on public schools. Charter schools offer few benefits and many detriments.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_iui1x72 wrote
Reply to comment by myassholealt in NYC’s new subway crime crackdown is underway but NYers are not convinced it will work by PichuLovy
Gotcha. Just remember addicts aren’t costing the system though. It’s the system administration that’s costing the USA. Healthcare profits are a sham and simply exploiting Americans.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_iuhqlv1 wrote
Reply to comment by myassholealt in NYC’s new subway crime crackdown is underway but NYers are not convinced it will work by PichuLovy
I’m not sure why you singled out addicts but yes.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_iuf6mq1 wrote
Reply to comment by RSRename in NYC’s new subway crime crackdown is underway but NYers are not convinced it will work by PichuLovy
Sounds like we have a health care issue too.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_j5fmsbe wrote
Reply to comment by The_Lone_Apple in Video shows drag-denier George Santos dressed in drag, boasting about drag shows by [deleted]
But there’s nothing to stop him from lying about his entire life. Bizarre.