
IntelligentCicada363 t1_itqjxka wrote

The statistic comes the city council itself clown. If you have a problem with it then email them.

Glad you fall back on to the “everything else sucks because all we’ve designed for is cars, so we can never have anything else ever again” argument.

The minimums have been repealed. I suggest you vote in the next election if you’re so upset about it.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_itqc28g wrote

Your father was a city planning engineer, so of the the generation of city planners whose single minded goal was to maximize car usage and infrastructure in cities? You realize that generation of “City planning” Is how we ended up in this mess, right?

The whole premise of your argument continues to rely on your belief that everyone that lives here owns a car which is factually untrue.

as I posted elsewhere, the city itself found that 30-50% of parking spots are unused.

Cambridge has an explicit policy outlined in numerous laws passed by the council to reduce the number of vehicles in the city. Restricting supply and giving people other options is part of the point. Sorry.


IntelligentCicada363 OP t1_ito1ywa wrote

40% of households in Cambridge don’t own a car — so a significant portion of the population would benefit from increasing access to safe infrastructure

given that statistic and that historically 100% of our road space has been devoted to cars, I’m not really sure the point you’re trying to make, other than to make the tired argument that you and therefore everyone drives a car


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ithz8ik wrote

There are many large apartment buildings in this city that are over 100 years old. What the fuck is this post even supposed to mean.

“Only the rich or geriatrics who purchased 40 years ago can live in Cambridge!”


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ithyhya wrote

There are many, many disabled people who are unable to drive. Extremely presumptive and borderline offensive to make an argument that all disabled people benefit from car infrastructure.

Also, where in this thread does it say “No cars allowed” ?


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ithwatf wrote

Having a forced parking minimum is the definition of forcing people to pay for something they don’t necessarily want, and if you don’t think there are people moving into Cambridge who don’t own cars and don’t want a parking spot, then you are assuming everyone is like you.

And why would increased population density lead to an increase in car necessity?


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith9t8b wrote

So like, why not pick one of the innumerable car dependent suburbs to live if you value it so much?

Cambridge is one of the very few places in the country where a car is unnecessary. I’d like it to remain that way tyvm


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith9mgu wrote

Count up the cars on the street and then look up the population density in that area and do some simple math.

A lot of people live there with no car and probably think the neighborhood is very fun.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith421b wrote

these people don't care about data or facts. They will just say "thats not Cambridge -- its different here" to ignore what you just shared.


Supply and demand isn't complicated.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith3gxq wrote

Why people pay Cambridge rents/housing prices but then turn around and demand a suburban lifestyle is beyond me. Fuck off and go to Lexington if that is what you want.


Keep Cambridge walkable and beautiful. Leave the parking lots to the suburbanites.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith30hh wrote

How about a provision that the city actually charge market rate for street parking instead of giving it away for basically free, in a city where people can walk everywhere.


Snowflake syndrome to the max


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith1x8p wrote

40% of cambridge households don't own a car dude. Stop acting like you're some downtrodden minority because your nonexistent right to park a massive car on city property is being infringed.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith1oc7 wrote

If there is no where for them to park their car, they won't really have a choice will they? Or, developers can respond to market demand and build parking.


People can decide to live in cambridge and enjoy for what it is -- a dense, walkable city -- or fuck off to a suburb. Stop trying to turn this city into a shitty suburb.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith1jfr wrote

You're assuming that everyone is just like you and cares more about their car than they do their own life. Not everyone wants to waste thousands of dollars a year on a metal box, and not everyone wants to subsidize those who do own one.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith1e49 wrote

Believe it or not, people move here without cars all the time. Restricting parking will increase the number of people here who don't own cars. Supply and demand.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_ith0t1t wrote

All of Cambridgeport, Harvard St, a good chunk of Neighborhood 9, etc.


Its really ridiculous how these people want to be NIMBYs about neighborhood character but in the same stroke of a pen want the whole city to become a parking lot.