IntelligentCicada363 t1_j4qe9wx wrote
Reply to comment by SpyCats in The current housing market in a nutshell by LopsidedWafer3269
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j4qe655 wrote
Reply to comment by MadstopSnow in The current housing market in a nutshell by LopsidedWafer3269
We can build the homes we need without high rises. We can build the homes we need without giant box apartment buildings. Has anyone ever walked around the South End with the brick row homes, or the upper west side in manhattan, and thought it was ugly?
People fetishize neighborhoods like that, but they are illegal. Illegal, illegal, illegal.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j4qdths wrote
Thank goodness for places like Belmont -- SFHs within shouting distance of Boston!
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j4qdhd5 wrote
Reply to Brattle Street Trouble? by devious_cruising
I also think that pedestrians should be required to wear reflective vests and carry little flags across the street with them -- and if a collision is unavoidable despite all this, they should get down on their knees and be thankful that the motorist will suffer no injury or punishment.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j4qdax5 wrote
Reply to comment by slimeyamerican in Brattle Street Trouble? by devious_cruising
If anyone is driving their car fast enough on brattle to flip it they should have their licenses taken away
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j2t1xog wrote
Reply to comment by SpookZero in Healey should give rural Massachusetts a seat at the table - The Boston Globe by GlobeOpinion
The electoral college has nothing to do with this issue, and even if it did, the EC gives more power to rural areas than they would otherwise have.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j2ekagh wrote
Reply to comment by rip_wallace in As Infrastructure Windfall Approaches, Transit Agencies Grapple With How to Spend It by spedmunki
Car infrastructure is free, don’t you know that? we only talk price tags when it is public transit.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j2ek59h wrote
Reply to As Infrastructure Windfall Approaches, Transit Agencies Grapple With How to Spend It by spedmunki
Fix the T first. Its not fucking complicated.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j190isn wrote
Reply to Cops hunt Cambridge bicyclist they say rammed pedestrian who asked him to watch where he was going by KungPowGasol
Love that you can look at cambridge PD reports and see that pedestrians are sent to the hospital almost on a daily basis after getting hit by cars, yet this is somehow some major scandal. typical.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j06rrqo wrote
So how are they going to keep idiot car drivers out of the bus lanes?
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iy86yle wrote
Reply to comment by GM_Pax in could the red line be shut down next... by iFuckingLoveBoston
I would take a realistic solution over thinking that the state is going to change its entire way of life in the next hundred years, sorry. Most of Mass is not dense enough to support “state wide public transit” and won’t be any time soon.
And there is no reason why a city bus system can’t coexist alongside a regional bus system. That is how it works in the NC Triangle/Chapel Hill and it is brilliant.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iy81tew wrote
Reply to comment by GM_Pax in could the red line be shut down next... by iFuckingLoveBoston
Cambridge needs its own bus system, with much higher frequency and dedicated lanes and preferably free of charge. The MBTA will never serve the needs of the city because the state has no interest in properly funding public transit and honestly it probably never will. The suburbs hold complete control over the state house.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iy81dee wrote
We’ve lost any sense of civic duty and togetherness in this country. We have become fundamentally incapable of doing things that benefit the public. Talk to anyone in the suburbs and they will tell you they would sooner die than take public transit, and that it shouldn’t be funded because they don’t use it and because it is mismanaged.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwu7j12 wrote
Reply to comment by amorosky in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
You’ll never get that architecture back
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwu7hny wrote
Reply to comment by dkdaniel in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
What a shame because waterbury is beautiful. The way the valley is drenched in sun at golden hour. And now there is a fucking highway bisecting it.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwqwhvr wrote
Today OP learns how expensive it is to maintain road infrastructure for cars and that money doesn't grow on trees!
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwqsi5l wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
Right, you just took the time to do all that research because you have a passion for urban data analytics
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwqiwlx wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
How many people drive around with a living room set taking up 6 times as much road space as a bike while spewing pollution
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwqidli wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
You found one poor comparison in the cities brochure and then deduce we need to stop all construction because maybe there aren't as many bikes as cars on this stretch of road, which totally definitely for sure isn't completely meaningless because it isn't even up for debate if there is data that support this is a heavily trafficked route by bikes in general.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwppghe wrote
Reply to Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
Love the guy in here starting shit about bike lanes on Hampshire Street as if its even remotely controversial whether or not there is enough bike traffic on that road to justify separated bike lanes.
Meanwhile a guy in Cambridge was arrested yesterday on Hampshire St for crashing his car while drunk, high, open bottle of vodka, no license, and three children in the back seat. “BuT iT Is SO sAfE!!!!!111”.
A few days ago in North Cambridge some clown crashed the car into a house in clear conditions.
But yea, bike lanes are so awful.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwpp4wx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
“I agree with this post and everyone who disagrees with me is toxic” - says an incredibly toxic person
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwpou4k wrote
Reply to comment by ClarkFable in Paint-only bike lanes on one of Cambridge's busiest bike routes will get upgraded with physical protection in 2023 by streetsblogmass
I don’t think the city did a cost benefit analysis before ripping out the trolleys and making everything for cars back in the 40s/50s/60s.
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwgavrj wrote
Reply to Linear park redesign (Alewife to Davis) by zeratul98
Have they considered how much car drivers would benefit from being able to use this cut-through to 2? Cambridge Streets for ALL dammit!
IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwgat25 wrote
Reply to comment by amyleerobinson in Linear park redesign (Alewife to Davis) by zeratul98
They’re planning on turning it into a private parking lot for ClarkFable
IntelligentCicada363 t1_j5a8ws7 wrote
Reply to Got jumped by a driver trying to run a red by hoorayquestionmark
Streets used to be public spaces where people gathered, now they are war zones and people can't even walk around their own neighborhood.
I hope you are ok.