
IntelligentMeal40 t1_j9q4tsk wrote

Getting in was no problem past time I went leaving takes hours. And I even lost my car in the parking lot so I didn’t leave until lots of people had already left, maybe that was the problem, but I would have thought that would give them a chance to get out and away before I even tried to leave. Nope. Hours


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j9aiutz wrote

Reply to comment by tracymartel_atemyson in NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651

Oh bless your heart there is literally no way this is not a Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe. If this person was genuinely trying to help people how hard would it be to hang a curtain in the doorway so there is some privacy? Even if they are poor, tacking a sheet up there is better than nothing.

There is no way this person is not a predator.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j9ailqg wrote

Oh god these gross things, yeah if you look at the apartments on craigslist I’m sure you will find men looking for roommates but female only, age 18 to 22, no rent in exchange for domestic services.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j978w1p wrote

Oh my God no wonder people were complaining, I bought a dozen eggs the other day and they were $3.49 and I was like “why are people crying about this? How much do they usually cost??” I don’t really eat eggs but I buy them sometimes for recipes and I guess I remember spending $1.99 a while back, so 349 is almost double. But yeah seven dollars that’s a lot


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j8y7f5g wrote

I live in southern New Hampshire and it’s been raining today, I popped my head outside and it smells normal out there but I don’t think I’m gonna go out there in it.

So my long answer is up here in New Hampshire no because it’s currently raining


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j8y2sff wrote

I’ve moved out of state and back a few times in my adult life. Someday I hope to move someplace warm. I absolutely loved Southern California except for the bad air. Florida was my least favorite. Absolutely horrible and trashy. Arizona is beautiful, I had friends who lived there when I was in Southern California and I loved that I could just drive to visit them. Congratulations on your move! Enjoy the sun! ❤️


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j8smzqa wrote

Speaking of the right to possess weapons, you know how if you have a medical cannabis card you are not supposed to be allowed to buy a gun? Since Sununu signed the law saying NH doesn’t enforce gun laws that aren’t NH gun laws, wouldn’t that be one of them? I can’t find a NH law that says you can’t have a cannabis card and a gun.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j76l2wm wrote

If your heating system is run off water, make sure your water is actually working. I am up in New Hampshire and our City pipes are frozen I think. Half the apartments here don’t have water and it’s not the pipes inside the buildings it’s the pipes under the ground. The people who have a hot water system to run their heat don’t have heat this morning