InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je046kv wrote
Reply to comment by A1BC095 in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Check screenshot
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je044sj wrote
Reply to comment by kickstand in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Added screenshot
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je03wo0 wrote
Reply to Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Top two are my house mates iPhones, bottom two is my laptop and air pods :)
Can rename them too so if there’s someone lurking around ur house you know it’s not someone’s from inside your house
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je0301x wrote
Reply to comment by No_Island963 in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Nah bruz AppStore - BLE scanner find any Bluetooth device within range
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je02t3a wrote
Reply to comment by kickstand in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
You’re welcome mate have a wonderful evening
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je00q48 wrote
Reply to comment by kickstand in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Wrong. It works on any device with Bluetooth turned on. Just tested it
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_jdzyt7e wrote
Reply to comment by A1BC095 in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Lol it actually is. U can download Bluetooth scanners for free on App Store and it shows you all the devices that ur Bluetooth can reach, obviously it’s not gonna trace their every movements but it shows you when there’s a Bluetooth device near you. So if your at home and think someone’s outside your house you can scan for Bluetooth and if their Bluetooth is turned on it will show up with a rough distance from where you’re scanning from.
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_jdzsj0q wrote
Reply to comment by MediocreThunderbolt in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
They got Bluetooth, no escaping now
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_jdzocwc wrote
Reply to comment by Benni_HPG in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
Fair call but there’s a lot of other stuff here I don’t want stolen that can’t be locked away as I don’t have the storage space , and I want to catch these pricks too
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_jdzn7sh wrote
Reply to comment by Bignotsmall in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
No I’m asking for an app that just tells me if there’s iPhones nearby, don’t want their data, I just want to know if there’s someone in my property
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_jdzm2l9 wrote
Reply to comment by Bignotsmall in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
yeh we did and they said they had more important things to do
Submitted by InterestingGift8676 t3_124kmeg in iphone
InterestingGift8676 OP t1_je0svsm wrote
Reply to comment by jewsustchristo in Detect iPhone users nearby by InterestingGift8676
An apple approved app that tells me if someone is trespassing on my property to try and rob me is not illegal. The app just tells me if there are people in my property and that’s all. I don’t get any of their personal information from the app. So if they want to break the law and try to rob me, I will legally use technology to prevent being robbed.
All a camera is going to do is let me watch them rob me. Police won’t be able to identify them at night. And then I’ve been robbed with no leads to catch them and I won’t get my stuff back.
Common sense mate