
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iumctua wrote

“Huge oil exporter” hahaha. So scientific. We could be exporting more if we had Keystone pipeline. And we could be drilling more but Joe threatens oil and gas companies with more taxes. Ironically, if he’d allow them to drill more cost would come down and their profits would come down also.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iumc1ve wrote

Biden’s war against oil only meant that Russia selling it became more valuable. If Biden was serious about hurting Putin he’d encourage US oil companies to drill on US land to drive down the cost per barrel. That way, Putin makes less when he sells to India. Additionally, the way he pulled out of Afghanistan reminded the world how weak he is.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iukzw3d wrote

I know this may be hard for you, I was mocking democrats because the world is on the brink of a world war (according to Joe), we have record high inflation, oil rationing in the northeast, massive utility increases and democrats are like “vote for me because a third trimester abortion is a fundamental right”.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iuktrrj wrote

Naa, I heard the democrat running for MA AG campaign ad touting her view on abortion. She is running in Ma. No one is changing the law here.

Yes my world view on abortion, similar to the rest of the world except for North Korea and China which allow abortion up to birth…which is now the democrat stance.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iu9kpso wrote

No, we are 25 days away from running out of diesel. Major transportation union threatening to strike. An inept president with shady ties to ukraine has an open checkbook to that country costing thousands of lives. In the northeast, they are considering rationing home heating oil. Massive debt. All I hear from democrats is “abortion” and “maga”.

Mental gymnastics like what I heard from democrats with lies about trumps connections to Russia only to turn out that it was the Biden’s who were receiving the shady loans and “gifts”. Al of a sudden those things don’t matter. Like that?
