Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iyt0w14 wrote
Reply to comment by SweatyCockroach8212 in Actor James Woods sues Rhode Island town over his neighbor building a house next door by kittyluxe
Read the chain. Responder said because of “orange man”.
I am guessing he is accusing the town of creating a exception. But I guess if you feel that way and voted for trump then sucks to be you? Right?
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iysy2uk wrote
Reply to comment by brick1972 in Actor James Woods sues Rhode Island town over his neighbor building a house next door by kittyluxe
Got it. Just orange man bad. And because you might believe in limited government your neighbors should be able to break the law.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iysw0i1 wrote
Reply to comment by brick1972 in Actor James Woods sues Rhode Island town over his neighbor building a house next door by kittyluxe
So people shouldn’t play by the rules?
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix9ojg5 wrote
Reply to comment by Tacoman404 in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
Got it, so yes the increase is going right into the pockets of the c suites.
Not for nothing but that’s a childlike argument you are making. Even if your analysis was remotely accurate, the MA regulators allowed the increase?
Here, there are costs that eversource is allowed to bill us for plus a markup. If eversource needs to produce power using a power plant and the fuel for that power plant goes up, they are allowed to bill us that and a markup. When trump cut federal taxes from 35% to 21% it’s why ratepayers saved on their electric bills.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix396r3 wrote
Reply to comment by thepasttenseofdraw in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
More affordable? It’s heavily subsidized. Made in China. It needs rare minerals usually mined by minors. The solar farms around me seem to tear down acres of Forrest to plop these things up.
And I am glad you can afford the extra money because there plenty of families out there that would gladly save the $2.50 a month to go somewhere else. The people holding the bag for the power line and power plant maintenance will all be the poor people because they can’t afford to buy solar panels.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix2blo6 wrote
Reply to comment by thepasttenseofdraw in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
I wonder the same about everyone in here wondering why their rates are high. It’s not rocket science folks. A war Biden refuses to negotiate a peaceful ending forcing coal plants to shutter, and only wanting solar and wind.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1w7ox wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in Eversource CEO asks Biden to take emergency action on New England natural gas supply by OmarLittleFinger
Did you just wake up from a coma? When should abortion be legal until?
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1nccz wrote
Reply to comment by MoonlessPrairie in Higher energy prices are a call for more renewables and maybe nuclear, not more pipelines by TeacherGuy1980
The policy. It will just make everything else more expensive
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1gtmr wrote
Reply to Higher energy prices are a call for more renewables and maybe nuclear, not more pipelines by TeacherGuy1980
Yea, pipelines are pointless since our state is working to making natural gas illegal.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1glax wrote
Reply to comment by dizzish in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
No, I used Brandon because it’s easier to type than “current president” and “former president”.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1co5h wrote
Reply to comment by dizzish in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
So does yours “there are levels to this shit”.
Seems like you are avoiding some things. Also, the primary way we get electric in this state is natural gas plants (I think nat gas then nuclear). This state now wants to ban natural gas they actually just passed a bill a few months ago that starts that. When natural gas is banned will prices for everything else go up or down? Here is a hint…when we closed all our coal plants has our electric bills gone up or down?
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1b4au wrote
Reply to comment by dizzish in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
What’s that? The price of natural gas is up because Brandon refuses to negotiate an end to a war that probably wouldn’t be happening if Trump was president. Brandon current wants to shut down every electric source that isn’t a windmill or solar. Because of these reasons your electric rate is high.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix0ue7a wrote
Reply to comment by SomePolack in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
The issue the scarcity of natural gas which we use to generate power. The environmentalist shit down coal plants and refuse to allow or discuss nuclear. You reap what you sow.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix0u1sf wrote
Reply to Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass. this winter by thinkB4WeSpeak
You all voted for democrats and therefore this. Great job guys.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iwpposb wrote
Reply to comment by drewtee in RI Congressman Cicilline leads effort to bar Trump from running again under 14th Amendment by Rogue-Island-Pirate
So Cohen went to Prague? Nothing in it was verified. It’s why the source lied to the FBI. It’s why the FBI mislead congress in 2018. It was all lies meant to kneecap the president. It’s a much bigger scandal than the media is letting it.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iwnq7ps wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in RI Congressman Cicilline leads effort to bar Trump from running again under 14th Amendment by Rogue-Island-Pirate
I don’t know. No one seems to care a politica party paid foreign actors to write a fake dossier about the president. DOJ knew it was lies but it didn’t stop them from starting an investigation of the president then lie on warrants to keep spying on the campaign. I am. Ore concerned about that than saying “the election was rigged”. Because both parties have done the latter. Hell Kamala warned people before 2016 that you can’t trust electronic voting machines.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iwiwt4f wrote
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iw0e4m5 wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
No one has ever made that argument that everyone should make a payment the way you described. Fair share is pick a percent and everyone pays that percent of income. 5% would be the same for everyone.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivzw54v wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Your point was awful and makes 0 sense. I have never heard anyone explain a flat tax that way.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivzrbad wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Interesting. So your analysis and what I am taking away from it is that someone making $15/hour ($30K a year) pays $14K. And someone making $1M is also paying $14K if it’s a flat tax system. Not the person making $30K pays $1,500 (5%) and someone making $1M pays $50K.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivzo7if wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Hopefully you see the flaw in your analysis.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivzl3h5 wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
How do you get to the $14K?
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivzhka1 wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Teach me. I want to hear this explanation.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ivvyzxb wrote
Reply to comment by kd8qdz in Can someone explain question 1 by [deleted]
Everyone pays 5% now. That seems fair.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iyt2y0y wrote
Reply to comment by SweatyCockroach8212 in Actor James Woods sues Rhode Island town over his neighbor building a house next door by kittyluxe
I really don’t care. I just think it’s funny that the person immediately says woods is bad because Trump. And should have to deal with whatever his neighbor wants to do because woods is small government.