
Ironboundian t1_ix8f04o wrote

For clarification since there are about 50 comments on this thread....there are two "Landmark People" being talked about on the thread as though they are interchangable...they are not.

The Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee (NPLC) is a non profit local organization made up of largely newark residents (based on the trustees and board listed on the website). It has no governmental approval powers

The LANDMARK & HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (LHPC) is also technically a non profit also made up of volunteers largely newark residents (based on who I know of personally on the website) but has governmental powers to approve or deny applications for demolition of buildings or change of exterior of old buildings or development of new buildings in their purview (anthing at all within a historic district, whether or not it is historic in nature on its own, and then anything "registered" all over the city even it it is not in a historic district)


Ironboundian t1_iwgcjqf wrote

Here is a counterpoint to the idea that Newark will naturally flow into a bustling downtown—We skipped the renegade small landlord stage and went right to the corporate landlords stage. Corporate landlords don’t want some loud music near their $4000 apartment. And so Downtown perhaps could never have the nightlife everyone thinks is naturally going to happen. Just more and more apartments near salad spots for lunch


Ironboundian t1_ivtukqy wrote

I was one of those Ironbound Resident early on who thought the opposite of my neighbors: my neighbor said it would be a haven for loitering and violence and trash in the area, and I was suspicious. But ultimately when it opened it just was. I was wrong. I hope a New Use comes in there quickly, that is something creative and unique and creates a welcoming gateway to the neighborhood.


Ironboundian t1_itllpru wrote

You are right to expect a will come. It takes time. People forget that the the famed Newark Ave pedestrian area in downtown JC only happened in 15 years after the big downtown JC developments added thousands of luxury units. Things will happen slowly bit by bit. more towers leads to better streets which makes developers want to build more housing which makes the retail to do better which then creates more interest in housing, etc.


Ironboundian t1_is331cp wrote

Agreed if the author is so upset about vinyl siding they should advocate $20k facade grants for newark homeowners of all income levels. That’s how much it would cost to tear off the vinyl on a house and redo with wood like materials like hardeeplank on top of adding insulation.


Ironboundian t1_ir7gcg9 wrote

I was confused....but now I see this is NORTH of market street, closer to the River and near Raymond Blvd. Right now that is Mother Cabrini park, and totally fenced off and not usable at all by the public. Not even for drop off as the areas right next to train is where NNTransit and Port Authority police just park their cars behind a metal barricade


Ironboundian t1_ir0jsaz wrote

Totally. It was item number 4 on the Sept 26th hearing

“CPB-22-40 Address: 405-419 Market St Block: 179 Lots: 10,13,17,22,26,28,30,32,42,45,47-48 Description: Proposed parking lot expansion with 70 additional spaces Applicant/Owner: Raymond Newark Properties, LP Attorney: Jennifer Mazawey, Esq.”