
IrrumaboMalum t1_ivhtcq1 wrote

It's not just "watching election returns." What if the news shows early voting numbers and says one party is up significantly and you were planning on going out to vote tomorrow.

Are you still going to vote if you're the opposing party? It seems hopeless for your candidate to win now, so why bother?

I'm fine with counting mail-in ballots early as long as the results are kept secure until close of polls - no leaks.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuv66vx wrote

I went to Gettysburg not too long ago, and just be warned - pretty much everything is closed by 6 PM. Except for Walmart and the chain restaurants. So if you want to see stuff around the town itself and not just the battlefield and museum, plan to get back to town around 2 to 3 so you have time to see some of the local stuff as well.

Appalachian Brewing Company has some amazing food and drinks.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuv3sv1 wrote

If you're talking about Dawn of the Dead, don't bother. Its literally just a mall and it sucks now compared to back in the day.

FUN FACT: Dawn of the Dead was set in Philadelphia, but filmed in Pittsburgh.

"Dawn of the Dead

Monroeville Mall is most famous as the filming location for the 1978 movie Dawn of the Dead, directed by George A. Romero. In 1977, George A. Romero began filming Dawn of the Dead on location at the Monroeville Mall. All filming inside the mall took place at night after the mall had closed, with filming often continuing until dawn. Filming inside the mall began in October 1977, but had to be suspended when Christmas decorations were hung shortly after Thanksgiving. Filming resumed in January after the decorations were removed. It was during that break that much of the mall's exterior shots were filmed, as well as filming at other locations. In the film's storyline, the mall was used as a fortress to protect four human survivors from a world taken over by the walking dead. Several pictures taken during the filming are on display in a room on the upper level near Macy's. In addition, Monroeville Zombies, located on the lower level near Macy's, featured an in-store museum and gift shop dedicated to celebrating zombies in film and pop culture. The museum's main focus was Dawn of the Dead and contained artifacts, memorabilia, scale models of the mall as depicted in the movie and a boiler room walk through with various life-sized replicas of movie zombies.[9] In 2013, the museum was relocated to Evans City, PA, home of the original film Night of the Living Dead. In October of 2020 the Living Dead Museum relocated back to the Monroeville Mall and is located on the upper level."


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuv2myd wrote

Then push to change the law - this is the third time I've said that. Clearly the PA Supreme Court sees nothing wrong with the law and the SCOTUS does not either since it remanded it back to the state court, effectively nulling the Third Circuit decision.

Sure, you can just ignore the law - but then don't whine and complain when your vote is discarded for failing to adhere to state election requirements. Sometimes civil disobedience works, sometimes it doesn't. This is one time where civil disobedience won't work.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuut6r8 wrote


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuuq4hb wrote

How is it preposterous that the PA Supreme Court ruled to uphold PA law?

I agree the requirement is stupid - but until we get the law changed, we should obey the law or face the consequences. So our concern should be getting that requirement stricken from the PA Code - then this won't be an issue anymore.

There are a lot of laws I do not like or agree with - but I still follow them.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iuhfo9m wrote

>Weird thing is, I’m a lot farther left than most of those people and I still believe in 2A.

That was the point of my "if you go far enough left you get your guns back" comment. Communists, for example, are historically pro-gun - and they are certainly much further left than the self-proclaimed socialists and progressives that make up the modern Democrat party.

It seems like the closer you are to the center and the further you are from the center, the more pro-gun you are. And then there is that odd range between them (us? me and you?) that is somehow staunchly anti-gun while being bracketed by unapologetically pro-gun people.

I, personally, have no intention of ever giving up my guns - since that would require putting trust in the government to keep me safe. And let's be honest - government hasn't done instill a sense of trust into any sane person.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iugyyz9 wrote

I'm pointing out a common duality demonstrated by some (many?) on the left wing who seem to believe at the same time that the cops are vile, filthy, racist bastards who will do anything they can to justify shooting POC (which is largely correct) and then turn around and often say that cops are the only people sufficiently trained and vetted enough to be allowed to carry (some will even go as far as to say own) guns.

I am also very left of center and own more guns than most right wingers and I cringe at the right wing who says "back the blue!" and at the left wing who says "only cops should have guns!"

Everyone needs to get a damned clue.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2uy4t wrote

Not the PA Turnpike...but...

I was going to Richmond, VA for an event many years ago. I took the DC Expressway, which recognizes EZ Pass. I drove down to Richmond and drove back to Pittsburgh using the DC Expressway.

I got a letter in the mail stating that I did not have an EZ Pass and was billed a higher rate for the DC Expressway and fees for manual processing of my license plate. I contact them, gave them my transponder number and told them that I drove on the DC Expressway twice - my transponder was picked up by their system and billed properly once, but somehow their system missed the transponder the second time.

They waived the additional fees, but still forced me to pay the higher rate for the DC Expressway.


IrrumaboMalum t1_iu2lsj9 wrote

They aren't buying belt-fed M2s and such in the US and smuggling them over the border - because those aren't available to civilians. You think they're just popping over to Dick's Sporting Goods in Texas and backing the truck up to load hundreds of full auto M16s?