IrrumaboMalum t1_j2pv3aq wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in You can make a difference in promoting democracy in Pennsylvania by hashtagbob60
It sounds to me like you want the same thing he wants, you just want it the OTHER way.
You don't want the rural parts of the state dictating how the cities live. That is fair and understandable.
But you seem to be okay with the idea of the cities dictating how the rural part of the state live. That is not fair and is rather hypocritical.
There is no easy solution to this situation.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2elj2h wrote
Reply to comment by newworldman1070 in Local deer hunters back bill changing opening day of deer season by zorionek0
The PAGC has a lot of control. Take semiautos for example. Originally it was state law that prohibited semiautomatics for hunting. Then the state repealed that law and the PAGC was given the authority to determine which types of game semiautomatics could be used for.
So the PAGC polled existing hunters to see if they what seasons they wanted semiautomatics to be allowed for. Naturally the existing hunters, predominantly Fudds, opposed semiautomatics being used for anything larger than a coyote, so the PAGC changed their intended plan that would've allowed semiautos for deer and such and ended up restricting semiautos to small game, varmints and predator control.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2ekmoj wrote
Reply to comment by newworldman1070 in Local deer hunters back bill changing opening day of deer season by zorionek0
Hunting laws and PAGC-controlled regulations are very asinine.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2ekj06 wrote
Reply to comment by zorionek0 in Local deer hunters back bill changing opening day of deer season by zorionek0
I just want to use a sub-MOA AR10 chambered in 308 Winchester that I plink with at 330 yards with a very boring level of accuracy.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2e91oo wrote
I'm just waiting for the PAGC to allow semiautos for deer and other stuff that isn't small game/varmint/predator control.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j27czw4 wrote
Reply to comment by Gojira085 in In 1969, when black Americans were still prevented from swimming alongside whites, Mr.Rogers decided to invite officer Clemmons to join him and cool his feet in a pool, breaking a well-known colour barrier. by Legitimate_Row_4944
Pictures shot on old school film are amazingly detailed compared to modern pictures taken digitally on DSLRs or mirrorless digital cameras. So I wouldn't put it past a reproduction made recently using original negatives to look better than a modern picture.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j23jt6q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tail light cover broken. Need a cheap shop to take it to get the job done. Recommendations? by [deleted]
Tail light assemblies are single piece now. You can't replace just the cover - you have to remove and replace the entire assembly.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j23e599 wrote
Reply to Tail light cover broken. Need a cheap shop to take it to get the job done. Recommendations? by [deleted]
No matter where you go, they will likely have to replace the entire tail light assembly. So you may be better off ordering one online and replacing it yourself since most tail light assemblies only require basic tools to unmount and remount.
There should be no wiring involved if your tail light uses a regular light bulb. If it's an LED tail light it may be more complicated, but should still be something you can do yourself.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j22ik4b wrote
Reply to comment by fifty2weekhi in Does PA's wiretapping law apply to video streaming? by [deleted]
Being at work would imply that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, unless that work is in a highly public setting or the training was being conducted in a public setting (such as a public auditorium that was rented for the event) instead of a private setting (such as in a conference room not accessible by the public).
IrrumaboMalum t1_j22idh6 wrote
I think the biggest factor is where the filming is conducts.
If you are in a public venue with no reasonable expectation of privacy, then it does not apply.
But if you are in a private setting with a reasonable expectation of privacy, then it does apply.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j21xy7n wrote
Reply to comment by Weary_Ad7119 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
That is on you. Hopefully it works out.
I'll continue proactively taking measures to protect myself and my family while you gamble on not taking measures to protect yourself and your family.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1ys3c4 wrote
Reply to comment by Weary_Ad7119 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
You going to roll the dice when it comes to your safety or the safety of your loved ones?
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xkwlw wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
I'll accept your counterargument and cede the victory to you.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xdgew wrote
Reply to comment by CBScott7 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
And it starts with about $20,000 on average for a "cheap" automatic, assuming you want to tote around a rifle or a submachine gun. But if you want an automatic better have a lot of money. To my knowledge only the Beretta 93R is on the registry, and there are single digits of them and even dealer sample (not civilian legal or transferable) are $250,000+. A civilian transferable 93R is probably going to be close to $1,000,000 if one shows up for sale.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xcww1 wrote
Reply to comment by Wuz314159 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
You think the person robbing you knows or cares? People have been killed over the change in their pocket in the past.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xcthh wrote
Reply to comment by Next-Conversation-16 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Carry both!
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xajoi wrote
Reply to comment by Subject-Lecture-9367 in Sir, my turn signal was already on by lestgobuffaslug
Never drove in Berlin, but it can't be as bad as Paris was. I'm in Abu Dhabi right now and Abu Dhabi is also worse than Pittsburgh, but not too much worse.
Mostly its the roundabouts that irritate. Not the roundabout itself, but the fact that I seem to be the only person in the entire country who knows how roundabouts work. Like a gun in the innermost lane of the roundabout deciding he wants to exit to the outermost lane of one of the exits so he cuts across two lanes of traffic at the exit and barely misses people who are still moving.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1tvaig wrote
Reply to comment by Steelplate7 in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
Just watch out for cryptids.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1tholp wrote
Reply to comment by Casey531 in The General Tso’s debate by TheMiddlePoli
The House Special mei fun - it's the thin and delicate rice noodles with veggies, beef, pork, chicken and shrimp.
So good.
They also do House Special fried rice and, I think, chow mein. Same concept.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1thdmd wrote
Reply to comment by Subject-Lecture-9367 in Sir, my turn signal was already on by lestgobuffaslug
It gets worse. A lot worse.
Like Paris on a Friday afternoon worse. That was my introduction to overseas driving and it made me appreciate Pittsburgh driving.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1t4r3d wrote
Reply to comment by chippersonofYork in PA Loses 40,000 Residents in a Year, Among Largest Declines in U.S.: Census by byzvntine
Blasphemer! You forgot the Sacred H! Shame! Shame! Shame!
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1t4phr wrote
TL;DR - mostly it is due to deaths outpacing births. It was not really a mass exodus of people form the state.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1t4e4c wrote
For more information about the bunkers.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j1t098u wrote
Reply to comment by thunderGunXprezz in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
It's okay - WV is basically South PA anyways.
I'm wondering if the OP is going to look into what dogmen, wendigo and mothman is.
IrrumaboMalum t1_j2uu173 wrote
Reply to I discovered a lot about PA by simply not using the Turnpike. by Yinzerman1992
I had to drive from Pittsburgh to Scranton many times for work (including a couple months where the bean counters in my company figured it was cheaper to make us drive to Scranton on Monday, work Tuesday through Thursday and drive back to Pittsburgh on Friday and pay us for all five days instead of paying for the hotel and per diem over the weekend). I-80 straight across the state was a pretty nice drive, no complaints there.