
ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2kzfxl wrote

I have responded to a couple. I have no other choice. You do not know my child’s father the way I do. He also has connections to the police. He is controlling and it is all a way for him to control me. I have no other choice but to return to the US. I will be speaking with. DTA, DCF, Shelters, everywhere that I can to help seek shelter. Either way I’m at risk of losing my child. I’m and holding out hope that I will be given shelter. But I can’t control what space they have available. How about instead of trying to dig and accuse my situation of being fake, either provide some real advice for the question I’m asking or move on to another post. You’re not helping anyone right now with your comments.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2kcbp4 wrote

They’re not turning me away because of my immigration status. I’m saying I don’t get things like cash assistance from the government or other benefits like that that can help because of my immigration status. The shelters in MA, RI and CT at the time when I was fleeing my sons father were all full.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jzoz6 wrote

Yes it has definitely come up in topic before hence why I am so cautious about it. Yes I know it is a real possibility as I have looked into. I have pleaded and begged his father to let me stay here or to take his son full time and he refuses. It’s all part of his control over me still from the abusive relationship.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jzdwe wrote

Excuse you, maybe if you had read other comments then you would learn that I did make moves for my own place. I was in transitional housing. My sons daycare closed in June suddenly so I lost my job due to lack of childcare. I couldn’t just leave him with family or a friend because I have none in the us. If I can’t work, guess what, I can’t pay the fee to stay in transitional housing. The shelter gave me 30 days notice and said I had to leave. My mother bought our plane tickets to the uk and has been paying for us for the last 2 months and has given me money to help. However, I can’t just get an apartment without enough money for first, last and deposit or 2 of those. I can’t get an apartment without a job showing I have 3x the rent. I can’t get a job without childcare. So don’t talk to me about knowing better, I made decisions from the options I had. Maybe you would have done different but our situations are different, our options in life are different, you do not face the same struggles as me. So take your unkind words elsewhere because you are not helping me or my situation in anyway and just bringing more negativity to a bad situation. Way to kick another mother whilst she’s already down.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jvwk5 wrote

Ive dealt with shelters before, even stated that ma is a right to shelter state. They simply told me they didn’t have any space and I had to try elsewhere and call back in a few days to try again if I still didn’t find somewhere.

I’ve shed many tears trying to find shelter for my so. And I previously


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jvc9u wrote

Reply to comment by zzglow in Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95

Thank you, I will definitely give them a call, I have a lot of shelters and places to call to get help, I know this.

Sorry you went through a similar situation and I’m glad that you got through it and are doing a lot better. I can’t wait for the day things start to turn around. I’m fed up of trying my best and doing everything I can for my son and nothing changing.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2ju4hi wrote

I had no choice but to move in with this man, I felt like my life was in danger. I called every shelter in MA, RI and CT and not a single shelter could help me. I called for months.

Also my ex has to give me back my car when I return as it is my car, solely in my name.

Who are you to judge? If you have nothing nice to say keep your judge comments to yourself or take them elsewhere. I am seeking advice while I do what I know I need to do. I put my son first always. They will not take my son if I am seeking shelter and working with a shelter to find a place. Just because you’re life is easier than mine don’t tell me to focus on providing a stable life for my child when that is exactly what I am doing, alone in a country with no help or guidance.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jtafj wrote

This is definitely not a creative writing piece. I am reaching out to shelters, don’t want to keep replying to people telling me to stay in the UK when that isn’t an option. I just want ideas to keep my 3 year old entertained while living in a car for a short time until a shelter has space for me.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jt2r3 wrote

Ive stated that I cannot just keep my child in the UK. My sons father was abusive and narcissistic. He has a lot of family in the US and contacts to the police and fire. He will definitely pursue kidnapping charges if I don’t bring my son back. No offense but you don’t know the person I’m dealing with or every detail about my situation. You say about scammy people trying to get money from people, I have had people reaching out to me offering to help me with money, clothes and general items for my child. I have said no, I’m not asking for money and my child is not in need of anything right now. I am simply asking for ideas to keep an active 3 year old entertained while living in a car while I pursue help with shelters because the chances of me getting a bed right away are very slim. Please do not make comments when you know nothing of the situation besides a few sentences. It can be very triggering for someone especially like myself when I’ve reached out to people before and they never want to help. I find it very hard to ask for help because everyone always wants my help but never want to help me. I don’t get as much help from the government because I am not a us citizen. So please be more thoughtful and kind with your words. Thank you and happy new year.


ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2ifnfx wrote

As stated in replies to other people saying the same thing…. I am a British citizen, I wish I could stay, my family want me to. However, my sons abusive dad is refusing to let us. It’s either face living in my car and being homeless or potentially deal with kidnapping charges.
