
ItsCoolWhenTheyDoIt t1_jed14i5 wrote

It was a good ‘lay by the pool’ book for me. I think people who view The Alchemist as a self help book are misguided. It’s an adventure book about finding your inner light. There is a difference between childish and nourishing the inner child that’s inside everyone. IMO The Alchemist is the latter.


ItsCoolWhenTheyDoIt t1_jeczfcw wrote

Downloaded a sample to see what the fuss was about. Agree with the top comment, it’s straightforward. If you hear women talking about, “emotional labor” this is what we mean. If you don’t get it, I’m happy for you, I guess? Also, who doesn’t love good clang associations. It’s a bop.

Edit: I was very wrong lol. Went to pick up the paper back today and I think I went blind. Holy shit it was a brick and a half. Made myself read it for 15 minutes but holy hell I couldn’t do it. I feel like I need training from a free diver on how to hold my breath for 30 minutes before I would be ready for Ducks. It was suffocating insane. Back on the shelf it went.