
ItsFckinSarah t1_j4xb9u6 wrote

We will have another crash and they will bail out wallstreet. But beyond that union power IS increasing. Sure it's not winning every battle, and they knew the rail strike was one they couldn't allow so they fired their shots.

But millennials and gen z do not agree with laissez-faire capitalism. And they don't agree with American power structures either. So eventually it will fall


ItsFckinSarah t1_j4voc99 wrote

Yes. The government should force major corporations (34 percent paid 0 in federal taxes last year btw) to pay for it

We can literally rebuild sections of cities at a time and make a big improvement as quick as we can make a new strip mall.

Edit: no you rebuild the other parts. Not the people's houses. The point of a walkable city is you can walk from your house to anywhere you need. And if you do need to drive it will be shorter, and more scenic
