Its_Nitsua t1_jc212wi wrote
Reply to comment by Buck_Thorn in In Truth or Consequences, N.M., leaking pipes cause millions of gallons of water to go down the drain amid drought by Thetimmybaby
Personally I don’t see the problem with a couple million gallons returning to the water table instead of watering golf courses or growing water hungry crops like almonds.
Its_Nitsua t1_jc1gogz wrote
Reply to comment by mogreen57 in TIL Helen Keller is credited with having introduced the Akita, a Japanese dog breed, to the United States by berkosaurus
Maybe that was why she was an advocate?
She didn’t think someone should have to live through the struggles and hardships she did.
Its_Nitsua t1_j7ilseq wrote
Reply to comment by jtmarshiii in Birds before the earthquake in Turkey by juniorgallina
Lack of evidence for something isn’f evidence to the contrary
Its_Nitsua t1_j6hzof6 wrote
Reply to comment by Weary_Ad7119 in What I see when NFL players wear those coats by Entropy4121
Bro facts man was the undeniable goat for years and now that he’s older people act like he’s always been dogshit.
I get the vibe he’s just crusing along, during the cowboys buccs game he legitimately looked like he wasn’t even trying and he was still playing better than most QB’s in the league
Its_Nitsua t1_j09j910 wrote
Reply to comment by GhettoChemist in Feds file lawsuit against Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers by AudibleNod
We spend more per citizen on healthcare than any other country, the price gouging medical industry & medical insurance industry is to blame.
Its_Nitsua t1_iyjfiij wrote
Reply to comment by TheDodoBird in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
Maybe that was excessive, but my point is that as a whole reddit tends to view the republican party as one big racist, woman hating, xenophobix zeitgeist.
I know and am friends with republicans who dislike the fact that roe v wade was overturned, but they do not trust the democratic party to put their interests first.
You can say ‘well the republican party doesnt either’ but for them they legitimately think that the republican party aligns with their views more than the democratic party.
Especially on issues like 2A, where they have been hoodwinked into thinking democratic views on gun control involve taking your guns away. You WILL NOT be able to convince them otherwise.
They aren’t evil, or racist simply for voting that way.
Its_Nitsua t1_iyjetsw wrote
Reply to comment by Maxievelli in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
I’m not saying both sides are equally bad, just that they’re on the same team.
They put on a show for the peasants but at the end of the day they all get richer together.
Its_Nitsua t1_iyiq1zz wrote
Reply to comment by GunpowderLad in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
I didn’t give myself anything man, I wrote that on my 10 minute break and just took my lunch.
I find it hard to believe what I wrote is ‘typical’ when there are front page threads with top comments calling for the deaths of anyone who voted republican.
It’s so backwards that when it comes to minorities or ethnic groups Reddit as a whole touts the ‘you can’t strip a group of individuality by throwing them all together like that!’ but when it comes to what political party you choose every republican is suddenly a carbon copy of Donald Trump.
Its_Nitsua t1_iyi5llo wrote
Reply to comment by jonathanrdt in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
The Republicans may be more brazen in their attempts to abuse democracy to their own and their financial backers benefit; but this is not a trait unique to them.
Reddit gets so caught up in the ‘republicans are the root of all evil’ mentality that we forget the few at the top seek to keep themselves and their friends there at the detriment of the whole.
They are two sides of the same coin, one may seem much more detrimental than the other but the truth is that the metaphorical ‘well’ has been poisoned for a while.
Democrat and Republican government officials as a whole, do much much more for the benefit of billionaires and corporations than they do for the common American.
We need to quit this ‘us vs them’ mentality and focus on the fact that our government is filled with what are essentially the political arms of trillions of dollars of corporate wealth.
Its_Nitsua t1_iy6bu36 wrote
Reply to comment by funkychicken23 in 5 Connecticut police officers charged after Black man left paralyzed following ride in police van by AudibleNod
Nothing, was just leftover after smoking and forgot it was in my truck.
Its_Nitsua t1_iy5gjjh wrote
Reply to comment by Jim3001 in 5 Connecticut police officers charged after Black man left paralyzed following ride in police van by AudibleNod
They don’t care.
I was too tall to sit in the back of a policecar, so they just threw me in sideways with my hands behind my back.
All for a bag of marijuana stems, weighing .02 grams.
Its_Nitsua t1_je824dj wrote
Reply to comment by ADarwinAward in 11 current and former East Cleveland police officers indicted after ‘appalling’ behavior caught on video, prosecutor says by AudibleNod
That’s a southern thing, not saying the dude isn’t racist but old heads call people ‘boy’ all the time I don’t think its an indication of their racial beliefs.
Also you don’t have to be white to exhibit the disrespect and inhumanity that many cops do, just a couple months ago we had 5 black cops literally jump another black man gang style to the point that he died.