JMEEKER86 t1_jdunrr4 wrote

Yeah, from what I understand of their customs it really is the thought that counts. If you thought you had your prayer rug pointed the right direction and discover 30 years later that it should have been 40 degrees in the other direction that's not a big deal. Just fix it and then go about things like normal. No need to say 100 prayers to atone for your poor furniture arrangement skills.


JMEEKER86 t1_j6t4nyb wrote

Yeah, it's basically clickbait trying to deflect from the real problems. It's like how nukes being far more powerful than guns doesn't mean much when more guns kill more people every single year than nukes ever have. Sure, one may be 25,000x more powerful, but there's way waaaaaay more than 25,000x difference in quantity.