JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jebzouk wrote
Reply to comment by Clouds2589 in Exxon’s Climate Opponents Were Infiltrated by Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation by FauxReal
I think it’s been like 6 years since the last DLC they put out. Criminal Past and System Rift are worth it but you can pick them up later when you’re craving a few more hours of content.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jebquiu wrote
Reply to comment by Clouds2589 in Exxon’s Climate Opponents Were Infiltrated by Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation by FauxReal
I desperately want those rumors of a new game to be true. Even with the final 1/3 cruelly scrapped, Mankind Divided was a blast. I'll maintain that even the original holds up.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jebewk5 wrote
Reply to comment by Megmca in San Jose police union executive charged with attempted illegal importation of synthetic opioids - CBS San Francisco by Sharks77
And I think the orchard is on top of a hellmouth.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jeberi0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ooh_its_a_lady in San Jose police union executive charged with attempted illegal importation of synthetic opioids - CBS San Francisco by Sharks77
You're part of the biggest gang on the block and you've got the government backing you up. Yeah, I bet so too.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jebdxtw wrote
Reply to Exxon’s Climate Opponents Were Infiltrated by Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation by FauxReal
Every day we more closely resemble the cyberpunk future we were promised in the 80's... so why don't we ever get any of the COOL bits? It looks like fixer/Mr. Johnson is becoming a viable career path, but where are the fucking body augs and implanted sunglasses and virtual reality? I never asked for this.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jcj2juk wrote
Reply to comment by lifeisawork_3300 in First Republic in talks with major banks about a rescue plan by Powerpuff_Rangers
I find myself missing the good old days of classic Simpsons more and more. Not only were the townsfolk of Springfield the quickest people in the world to descend into an angry torch-waving mob, they also manage to do so while completely upending a scene from a classic heartwarming movie like It's a Wonderful Life. It's such a humorous kind of misanthropy, heaping scorn on the myths we tell ourselves about the better angels of human nature and sketching a more accurate depiction of the way modern Americans truly act. The Simpsons has become so engrained in modern culture it's easy to forget it was once considered subversive, with the fucking President taking time out of his day to criticize it.
"Hey, what the hell ya doing with my money in ya house, Fred?" * punch *
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jchoym9 wrote
Reply to comment by ThoughensTheNipples in First Republic in talks with major banks about a rescue plan by Powerpuff_Rangers
I would recommend diversifying your portfolio with an investment in Bitcoin, but you strike me as more of a Buttcoin type of investor.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jchcaho wrote
Reply to comment by Thor4269 in Second pigeon wearing homemade smuggling backpack found inside B.C. prison by heathtree
They blended it in really well with the pigeon's natural colors. Though the edges could have been lightened up a touch. I'm guessing they don't tailor the paint job to the individual bird.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jb418z4 wrote
Reply to comment by Sabado2 in Philosophy is everywhere in Neon Genesis Evangelion by linosan
It’s weird how End of Eva is able to work equally well as either a complement to or a replacement for the original ending depending how you felt about it. Personally I loved the TV ending. I’ve never seen anything else bold enough to dive completely off the rails at the finish line, and yet it somehow felt appropriate.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jb3y1np wrote
Reply to comment by Mindestiny in Philosophy is everywhere in Neon Genesis Evangelion by linosan
I think it’s because Evangelion really resonates with the depressed, or at least people who have been depressed at one point. I’m not an anime guy but I happened to stumble across it at a low point in my younger years and it is etched onto my soul in a way no other media ever will be.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_j9xfee8 wrote
Flotsam - Refers to goods from a sunken vessel that have floated to the surface of the sea, or any floating cargo that is cast overboard.
Jetsam - Designates any cargo that is intentionally discarded from a ship or wreckage. Legally jetsam also floats, although floating is not part of the etymological meaning. Generally, "jettisoning" connotes the action of throwing goods overboard to lighten the load of the ship if it is in danger of sinking.
Lagan - Goods cast overboard and heavy enough to sink to the ocean floor, but linked to a floating marker, such as a buoy or cork, so that they can be found again by the person who marked the item. Lagan can also be large objects trapped within the sinking vessel.
Derelict - Can refer to goods that have sunk to the ocean floor, relinquished willingly or forcefully by its owner, and thus abandoned, but which no one has any hope of reclaiming.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_j30z0gj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A family finds swastikas in the lawn as antisemitism surges by Shaul_Ishtov
Always has been.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_iu7q8j7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kanin_usagi in Poland picks U.S. offer for its first nuclear power plant -PM by SunfireGaren
Just in case you didn't have the Internet 3 years ago and missed out on everybody "hilariously" replying with "3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible" to fucking everything.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_itx8yw1 wrote
Reply to comment by Matty-Ice-Outdoors in A second railroad union votes down Biden's tentative agreement by WutRTatersPrecious
I guess the strike won't inconvenience them in the slightest then. Sounds like the trains drive themselves. /s
But seriously, profit comes only and entirely from labor. It's only because class consciousness has been so thoroughly repressed in this country that the fatcats can even say things like that without being laughed out of the room.
JackedUpReadyToGo t1_jec7zzj wrote
Reply to comment by MightyGamera in Exxon’s Climate Opponents Were Infiltrated by Massive Hacking-for-Hire Operation by FauxReal
Why contain it? 's cool.