
Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j0mvzcx wrote

I never bring my bags in I always end up just loading at my car its far easier. I also found that using boxes is far more convenient for carrying groceries in general. I have several bags that I use consistently, but ever since I realized using boxes from Amazon orders, liquor store runs, or BJs it's made my grocery shopping far more easier to carry to and from my car.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixqptb0 wrote

>My guy this is bs

Happened to my roommate and we learned straight from his lawyer so not bs.

>You 100% can tell the EMTs you don't need to go to the hospital/you're not injured at the time of the crash.

Not what I'm saying the important part is telling authorities and the other party you are not injured.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixovwrs wrote

>You have a short time period to report it and blame it on the accident.

Actually if you reported no injury or the police reports indicate that you responded with no injury insurance will not cover for it [at least not fully] nor will the person who is responsible for the accident be liable for the damages done to you if you refused medical care or indicated you were not hurt.

Which is why if you are ever in a car accident you should never say you are not injured, you are not a medical professional nor is the officer on site. Always say you are unsure/do not know, a paramedic/first responder can treat and do basic assessments, from there you can chose to have the ambulance take you to the hospital or someone else can from the scene to the ER. The onus of responsibility is then on the responders and the person responsible for the accident, from that point insurance can fully cover those medical costs and damages.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iwj17nw wrote

>The fact you're even arguing it proves my point. Some judges will rule different lmao.

That's not how logic works my friend. Arguing does not prove your point. I'm being polite.

>The ambiguous aspect you're debating is proving my point

Nothing is ambiguous.

>However no, it's not from legal advice.

Neither what we are sharing is legal advice especially what you continue to insist on. You and are both speaking from limited knowledge. If you wanna confirm or deny anything we've said back it with a source please.

>However, my dad is a lawyer so sometimes if I'm curious I'll give him a call and ask.

So you confirm like I said you're not a lawyer even though you insinuated so. That said there are plenty of individuals in politics that do not have a legal background yet write policy, laws, all as elected officials.

>You even stated you're not a lawyer, if I have one in my family I would believe him over you

Get the fuck out of here with that idiotic logic lmao. I have attorneys in my family as well that doesn't mean I inherit their actual knowledge and skills or get to speak from a position of authority.

Anyone can read and interpret the law its all publicly available, that doesn't mean anyone is as knowledgeable as an actual legal attorney or pretend to be all knowing because "My DaD iS a LaWyEr" . Grow up.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iwiv04s wrote

Ya im not a lawyer, but that's not what legal gray area means either and what you suggested above is just blatantly wrong. Be responsible educate yourself and weigh the pros and cons of a med card vs your right to purchase firearms.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iwiqehp wrote

>Which can't be renewed and can never be bought again

You have to renew your med card annually so you can. Additionally its a gray area but if your med card is not for treating a mental health issue there is some room although still a gray area. Licenses are denied because of mental health not because of specifically use of cannabis although it can still be used to discriminate.

>Also it's technically illegal I believe to even own the gun if you are a user. So if you have guns, and are high etc that can be an issue.

It's not. It's a legal gray area (not a lawyer) again specifically since we do discriminate firearm purchases for mental health discrepancies not because you are high and then irresponsible.

>If you use weed no matter how, you then have to say yes on the form and be denied

Just blatantly false information.

>So you will give up your right to ever buy a gun again.

You can renew your firearm license when your mmj card expires although you will probably still be flagged and most likely have to go through different channels to update this information.

>Then I believe that only applies to the form and you can get them at the good ol' Gun show. private party etc (non straw of course)

You have to register all purchases whether you buy from a big box or from a gun show or private owner. It's illegal otherwise and the original owner would be holding themselves severely liable if that were to happen since they can literally trace it back to you. I have gone to plenty of gun shows in the past and I've had to fill out paperwork all the time to register my purchase and their transfer.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iwingw6 wrote

Thank you for adding this is an important reason to mention! It blocks new purchases as mmj cards are a red flag on firearm purchases. So it is reccomend if you intend on getting a major card you get firearm purchase card and any additional hunting licenses before your mmj card.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iwi61p2 wrote

This is better asked in r/newjerseymarijuana but to my knowledge it's a gray area at best. Is the reporting office located in state or another state? NJ is at will employment which means they can deny you employment after the fact for any other reason. Depending on the nature of your job it probably won't be an issue so long as it's not a federal position or associated with federal contracts as the federal government has a zero tolerance policy for those positions and associates while still at will do take it seriously Depending again on the type of work you'll be doing or associated with. If you are an avid user I reccomend a medical card, it's fairly simple and affordable process and many states protect against medical discrimination specifically (NJ does specifically which does make disclosure much easier) again so long it isn't federal or does not require you operating vehicles or machinery.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iu7cjay wrote

Demand is a bit strong lmao but ya it really depends. Colleague of mine came from teaching finance at a university as an adjunct for years and has a masters. He decided to move into the high school setting, and very much regrets it. It's very sad as well he loves teaching, kids love him, and is good at what he does but despite all that admin hires him to teach even more sections than core curriculum and started him at step 1 on the salary guide since it was his first year teaching high school despite a decade of teaching in universities. Our other Colleague who is a bumbling bitchy idiot teaches the easiest sections, complains about it all the time because they are freshmen, and yet she makes more than the rest of us despite it's her first year (not fresh out of college either she's in her mid 40s teacher by alt route) teaching ever! The system is so fucked up its laughable.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iu7bq94 wrote

Additional unpaid duties, taking on more students despite union terms on classroom sizes, filling in for other teachers despite losing either our prep period or lunch (often times both unpaid), having to be more involved in the IEP and 504 process (writing these accommodation plans which counselors and admin are supposed to do), SGOs, weekly lesson planning as opposed to monthly plans, Professional development, department meetings forced by admin, more PD but now with HOMEWORK FOR TEACHERS, playing actual therapist for students, and the list goes on. It's largely a lot of administrative duties that the actual admin is supposed to do not teachers, all unpaid outside of contract hours of course. This isn't accounting for all the things we already do on a regular basis that is required of our duties, it's a lot and the expectations keep on rising and suddenly new responsibilities get tact on.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iu6zzf5 wrote

I get what you're saying in your main point. We are not only ranked no. 1 in the nation for public schools but also rank high for pay for teachers. What I'm saying is a flat number doesn't really mean much when you measure it against other variables like COL. What's the point in making 90k when rent goes up almost double in the course of a year for 10 years straight? If more than half your monthly income still goes towards rent even after pay raises, did you really get a pay raise when everything else around you is inflated. I get what you're saying and it is really sad that a great state like ours stills treats us teachers like shit. Imagine being repeatedly called Frontline heros but getting zero respect or benefits the entire pandemic and things actually only got worse for teachers?