James19991 t1_iw1m6q4 wrote
Reply to comment by GuavaShaper in Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
Yeah, the clip of Oz saying that got significantly more views than any of Fetterman's rough moments speaking that night
James19991 t1_iw0jlmo wrote
Reply to comment by hemidak in Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
The fact he didn't know the Steelers had a bye week this past weekend was just another in the long list of things which showed he was out of touch and had little connection to this state at all.
James19991 t1_iw02v8o wrote
Reply to comment by Showerbeerz413 in Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
Fetterman didn't have a good debate, but Oz didn't do a thing to make himself seem more likeable that night either.
James19991 t1_iw02obj wrote
Reply to comment by wagsman in Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
I saw it that way too. Either Fetterman will recover and the stroke won't be an issue in 6 years, or another Democrat will be running for it then.
Hell, that seat being empty would be an upgrade over Toomey and Oz if it came down to that.
James19991 t1_iw00w3q wrote
Reply to Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
I think it's also entirely possible that for the immediate day or two after the debate that people were considering voting for Oz, but as time passed, they softened and figured Fetterman will recover. I did not expect Fetterman to win by this solid of a margin.
James19991 t1_ivs5dw8 wrote
Reply to comment by jah_wox in Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Outperforms Oz and Mastriano in Bucks County by Open_Veins_8
PA Democrats will throw a party the day he retires
James19991 t1_ivqzjh8 wrote
Reply to I have declared--even though I have no official power--that Friday is Pennsylvania wear Shorts-and-a-hoodie Day. by pgh9fan
Aren't half of Pennsylvania guys under 30 already doing that?
James19991 t1_ivqvcid wrote
Reply to comment by ilikedhorsebot3000 in Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Outperforms Oz and Mastriano in Bucks County by Open_Veins_8
SMH. It's already bad enough this party loses one to two Senate races every cycle they should easily win
James19991 t1_ivpuell wrote
Reply to Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Outperforms Oz and Mastriano in Bucks County by Open_Veins_8
Jesus, will this dude ever lose?
Submitted by James19991 t3_yqa44l in pittsburgh
James19991 t1_iv8acvk wrote
Reply to comment by mjw217 in Don’t yinz forget to fall back an hour tonight at 2:00 a.m. (or before yinz go to bed)! by therealdeb
People will end up still complaining if we're on one or the other all year. They tried year-round DST in the seventies during the energy crisis, and people absolutely hated that there wasn't daylight until almost 9:00 a.m. at the worst of the winter, and I think people would not be a fan of it getting dark at 8 PM in the summer instead of the 9 PM we've been used to.
James19991 t1_iut7o3p wrote
Reply to comment by RecallRethuglicans in For those worried about the PA Supreme Court’s ruling on undated ballots, it may be of some relief to you that this year’s ballot envelope is VERY unambiguous. While I personally find the ruling utterly preposterous I’d also say that the ballot itself is competently designed to compensate for it. by Trapezoidoid
Good luck getting through life if you can't follow instructions regularly...
James19991 t1_iut1w28 wrote
Reply to comment by IJellyWackerI in For those worried about the PA Supreme Court’s ruling on undated ballots, it may be of some relief to you that this year’s ballot envelope is VERY unambiguous. While I personally find the ruling utterly preposterous I’d also say that the ballot itself is competently designed to compensate for it. by Trapezoidoid
Oof yeah. I hope people were careful before mailing in their ballots.
James19991 t1_iusyozj wrote
Reply to comment by IJellyWackerI in For those worried about the PA Supreme Court’s ruling on undated ballots, it may be of some relief to you that this year’s ballot envelope is VERY unambiguous. While I personally find the ruling utterly preposterous I’d also say that the ballot itself is competently designed to compensate for it. by Trapezoidoid
Which county are you in? I would have thought the envelopes would be the same regardless of county, but I guess not. Like the OP, I'm in Allegheny County where the date line is impossible to miss.
I do agree though needing to date it is stupid as fuck considering it will be postmarked with one.
James19991 t1_iusrmpb wrote
Reply to For those worried about the PA Supreme Court’s ruling on undated ballots, it may be of some relief to you that this year’s ballot envelope is VERY unambiguous. While I personally find the ruling utterly preposterous I’d also say that the ballot itself is competently designed to compensate for it. by Trapezoidoid
I don't understand how it's so hard for people to follow easy instructions.
I just dropped my ballot off in person since I was in Downtown Pittsburgh anyway today, and the woman taking them asked to make sure the envelope was signed and dated, and that second envelope was used too.
James19991 t1_iuk5ei4 wrote
Reply to comment by jralll234 in Trick or Treating time? by Stealth-R-Us
I'm here in Bellevue where it's 6:00 to 8:00. When I was getting home from CVS a little after 6:00, it was absolutely packed outside. It still sounds busy from my second floor apartment.
James19991 t1_iuk0ba8 wrote
Reply to I saw on Erie News Now (WICU) that the PG has endorsed OZ instead of Fetterman by alienboy17
The Post Gazette has turned into trash in the last decade
James19991 t1_iujyt7l wrote
Reply to comment by Sandybeagle in Do kids still go trick-or-treating on Halloween night in Bloomfield/Pittsburgh? by Sandybeagle
Only until 7. Maybe the kids just prefer the parts of Bloomfield north of Liberty?
James19991 t1_iujyp5o wrote
Reply to comment by Hefty_Woodpecker4730 in Trick or Treating time? by Stealth-R-Us
If kids will be okay literally one block away from the city going until 8:00 in the surrounding boroughs, I think it will be okay in the city.
James19991 t1_iujy75t wrote
James19991 t1_iujxyln wrote
Reply to Do kids still go trick-or-treating on Halloween night in Bloomfield/Pittsburgh? by Sandybeagle
5 to 5:30 is too early for a lot of people if they had work until their normal time. Has it picked up at all now that it's 6? The suburbs didn't start until 6 FWIW
James19991 t1_iujcwl1 wrote
Reply to comment by OrangeSundays19 in Christmas Market is starting to be built in Marky Square by 1029Dash
I love Christmas, but I don't like it in October or most of November until after Thanksgiving myself. However, Light Up Night has been on the weekend before Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember.
James19991 t1_iuj8xsz wrote
Reply to comment by OrangeSundays19 in Christmas Market is starting to be built in Marky Square by 1029Dash
They always start building it around Halloween. The last farmer's market of the year down there was last week, and they need to have everything built and all the stands stocked in time for Light Up Night, which is on November 19th. I know it's hard to believe, but that's less than 3 weeks from now.
James19991 t1_iuisxur wrote
Reply to comment by UnsurprisingDebris in Trick or Treating time? by Stealth-R-Us
Sunday evening would probably be the best for the convenience of a majority of people, and also have the least traffic of any day of the week during the evening. Even last year though, they did not start in the city until 5:30 and it went until 7:30.
James19991 t1_iwf1h8z wrote
Reply to To the random man by the children’s hospital bus stop who asked me to fuck off back to my country because that’s what Donald Trump would want me to do.. by stickittothe
I'm very sorry you've had these experiences. People can be truly needlessly evil.