
James19991 t1_iv8acvk wrote

People will end up still complaining if we're on one or the other all year. They tried year-round DST in the seventies during the energy crisis, and people absolutely hated that there wasn't daylight until almost 9:00 a.m. at the worst of the winter, and I think people would not be a fan of it getting dark at 8 PM in the summer instead of the 9 PM we've been used to.


James19991 t1_iusyozj wrote

Which county are you in? I would have thought the envelopes would be the same regardless of county, but I guess not. Like the OP, I'm in Allegheny County where the date line is impossible to miss.

I do agree though needing to date it is stupid as fuck considering it will be postmarked with one.


James19991 t1_iusrmpb wrote

I don't understand how it's so hard for people to follow easy instructions.

I just dropped my ballot off in person since I was in Downtown Pittsburgh anyway today, and the woman taking them asked to make sure the envelope was signed and dated, and that second envelope was used too.


James19991 t1_iuisxur wrote

Sunday evening would probably be the best for the convenience of a majority of people, and also have the least traffic of any day of the week during the evening. Even last year though, they did not start in the city until 5:30 and it went until 7:30.