
Jamie00003 t1_j3gy3bx wrote

What a stupid question. I mean, VR isn’t popular and isn’t selling well. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/28/metaverse-off-to-ominous-start-after-vr-headset-sales-shrank-in-2022.html

Plenty of other articles to suggest this. Even fever people care about 3D


Jamie00003 t1_j2ucwr3 wrote

Then why bother releasing the goggles? Why not just release that? I don’t really see what advantage this has out of the myriad of other failing VR devices out there right now?

You do realise this is launching at $3000 right? What makes you think this is worth the money when it’s 3x the cost of everything else? VR is niche as it is
