JasperDyne t1_iwnu394 wrote
Reply to The cable station that taught me to love Philadelphia sports and soft core porn by mikeyv683
Nothing like trying to watch nude scenes through the scrambled images coming through the switcher box when your parents weren’t subscribers
JasperDyne t1_iw5f4de wrote
Reply to Why is the Masked Singer still on? by jameeJonez
It keeps D-List celebrities off the streets.
JasperDyne t1_ivvnygu wrote
When I rented, my lease specifically stated that tenants were responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways.
JasperDyne t1_iuk6dxg wrote
Reply to If you could pack up all your bags and go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? by Adonislive0
The Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia.
JasperDyne t1_iuk666y wrote
Reply to In what circumstances would you personally choose mild, medium, sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese? by [deleted]
The milder cheddars are less oily when melted, so I use them for nachos, pizza and Mac&Cheese. The sharper cheeses are used for eating plain or as a complement to fruit, etc.
JasperDyne t1_iugdz6v wrote
Reply to Whats under there? wrong answers only. by defariasdev
The special branch of the T called the Plaid Line. It runs on time, every time and only unicorns and leprechauns can ride.
JasperDyne t1_it9o5ul wrote
Reply to Found this old photo and I am floored by how different the whole area now looks! From closest to farthest: JFK Stadium, Spectrum and Veterans Stadium. by DrHerb98
JFK was the worst. I saw the Who there in ‘81 (during their first of many “Final Concert Tours”). Also featuring The Hooters, Santana, The Clash. It was like the Roman Colosseum—probably just a few years younger than it! Plain wooden, splintery benches, baking in the hot sun all day. The rest rooms were like Woodstock ‘99. The hometown boys The Hooters opened the show. The Clash got booed and pelted with fruit in typical Philly fashion. The classic rockers in attendance weren’t quite ready for their style of Anarcho/Political Punk. The Who were good, though not quite as good as when Keith Moon was on the skins (him having recently died and Kenney Jones doing his best to fill in).
Saw tons of shows at the Spectrum from Styx to Asia and beyond.
JasperDyne t1_it04nsu wrote
Reply to Restoring ‘our Christian foundational values’ is the pitch from Mass. GOP gubernatorial nominee by lurker_registered
Christian Foundational Values, huh?
What about,
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me”
“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Haven’t seen much of those Christian Foundational Values demonstrated by the Republican Party in recent years.
JasperDyne t1_iwo7lyp wrote
Reply to comment by lesbiansforalgernon in The cable station that taught me to love Philadelphia sports and soft core porn by mikeyv683
Was that a static boob or someone’s knee? In the hyperactive imagination of a 14-year-old, did it really matter?