Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0nknd wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
You’re acting like the landlord doesn’t have a say over applicants. “This airbrush t- shirt shop applied, have to let them in!” 😂
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0mk6j wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
As I said in another comment, the rent is probably astronomical for a small local businesses or startup. I don’t think it is a matter of small businesses stepping up so much as the landlord has made it impossible.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0lvs7 wrote
Reply to comment by slayhern in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
Voodoo isn’t moving to the terminal.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0lubq wrote
Reply to comment by i_NaTaN in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
Pittsburgh has a great beer scene. I’d rather a local place be able to open a second location then a DC beer company come in.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0lp01 wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
I think a mix of local shops and eateries would be nice. Citygrows, Pip & Lola and Herbert’s Pharmacy are a great start, but let’s keep adding actual local places not locally own franchises.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy061gg wrote
Reply to comment by ancrm114d in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
More likely small businesses can’t afford the rent and that is why they have stayed away
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy01i51 wrote
Reply to comment by evenflowf in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
There is a chain beer place coming soon. 😑
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy018ym wrote
It’s super disappointing, even the state store has a bland stock. I thought for sure they would have a better selection of wine since The Strip is a hip neighborhood, but nope. I wish the few local businesses there the best of luck, but I hope this project fails for the owners who lied about their true intentions.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ixz6ckx wrote
While I like your intentions, I can see someone trying to sue you if they slip and fall or get into an accident where you cleared the snow.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ixmfmqy wrote
Reply to comment by I_TylerDurden in Pittsburgh's largest nonprofit is concerned that its profits are down by thanxhaveagood1
Probably traveling nurses and staff that had to work overtime and get paid 1.5x - 2x normal pay rate.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ixmcmw9 wrote
“Edward Karlovich, UPMC’s executive vice president and chief financial officer, blamed the drop largely on increased labor costs because of employee shortages.”
Looks like they won’t be giving out raises anytime soon…
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ixb94ja wrote
Reply to comment by icestormsurfing in Restaurants/ Bars open Turkey Day. by IClight69
Not everyone has a family or a place they can go to on holidays.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iwvs5qn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh urges supporters to take their demands to John Block's wedding reception by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
Nah, fucking over your workers is lame as fuck.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iwvh2r6 wrote
Reply to comment by Zenith2017 in Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh urges supporters to take their demands to John Block's wedding reception by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
They are encouraging protesters to bring pots and pans to bang on…
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iwv93jn wrote
Reply to comment by ScratchMoore in Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh urges supporters to take their demands to John Block's wedding reception by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
I think what Block is doing to his workers is a lot colder.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iurn1ai wrote
Reply to comment by InsaneAss in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
Agreed, but when the jury deliberates don’t you think some people might agree to a verdict so they don’t have to report back for more days if they really need money?
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iurjsqp wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
How is the accused supposed to get a fair trial when lots of people financially cannot take the time off? That takes away a lot of working folks, which skews the fairness.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 OP t1_iurexm8 wrote
Reply to comment by curatedaccount in $10 a day for jury pay is absurd if Pennsylvania says they are holding fair trials. by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9
It’s one thing for me to do my part. It is another to ask me to do my part, but not be able to afford groceries for the month.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iurcpmo wrote
Reply to Spooooky by askmeboutmycats
Beautiful. Can’t see the UPMC logo.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iudu7d4 wrote
Reply to Enjoy woodworking? by indaburgh
Optimistically I read this as OP doesn’t want to woodwork alone incase they cut off a finger or something. Their friends are sick of hanging out in the woodshop and would rather be at the bar watching sportsball or something else. OP wants someone who actually enjoys woodworking to come and work on their personal projects while watching OP to make sure no fingers are lost.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iudi5y8 wrote
The stuff they produced was pretty tasty, but with the economy being what it is, I definitely couldn’t afford to buy it more than a couple of times a month. I hope another hydroponic produce company buys the space.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iu5qxiq wrote
Reply to Pros and Cons of buying a home in Monroeville by ChefKil
If chain restaurants and stores in strip malls are your thing, go for it.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iu066c3 wrote
Reply to HBO by StudyIntelligent5691
Friends, you don’t have to watch this if you don’t feel up to it for any reason. This was a very traumatic event for the community and a lot of us personally. We all grieve and heal in our own ways and on our own timeline. Do what feels right for you.
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_ithurc3 wrote
Reply to comment by higmy6 in Squirrel Hill Night Market 6-10pm by Jmyles23
Yea the Lower Murray Merchants Association posted this on their Facebook page. really odd
Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 t1_iy0tgjb wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisBegeman in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
Sucks to be the people eating at chipotle when they could be eating at Salem, Lucy’s or anywhere else.