
JeffFromSchool t1_j9osfb2 wrote

The physics doesn't have anything to do with finances. Until some actual engineering is done, there is no projected cost for this. There is no prototype design, or even a realistic concept design.

You don't know how often parts are going to need to be replaced, or how much it will cost to build initially, you don't even know what parts are going into it!


JeffFromSchool t1_j84hvrc wrote

>She would never make me give them up. If she tried, I’d seriously question the relationship.

Except that's not what is going on. She gave up her career to have his kids and raise his family. Now it's his turn to do the same, and he said "nah, I'm too good for that, unlike you."

Honestly if you didn't realize that already, you must be pretty self centered to not see that she isn't the one who's being selfish, here.

It's always about how things are affecting you, huh? Never about how your actions affect others.


JeffFromSchool t1_j782t9g wrote

Right but if you life in a densely populated area and you're not an outdoorsy person, there isn't really a situation where you're going to need it.

That's like saying you can't plan for emergencies, so you better back that lead anti-radiation suit wherever you go. You know if you're the type of person that needs such a thing or not.


JeffFromSchool t1_j2wrlsp wrote

Isn't this around the time that the US started to take a bunch of shit for playing "world police" getting involved in foreign conflicts that had nothing to do with them?

Other than US merely having knowlwdge of the events and the capability to intercede, what reason did they have to?

Some would say merely those two things create an obligation to intercede, others would call it imperialism.


JeffFromSchool t1_ixwceou wrote

I honestly think that we can do that right now, and possibly even for the last decade.

We just don't have any gaming systems with anywhere near that much parallel computational power to keep track of all of these things at once. AI isn't going to fix this.

People have trouble with frame drops now. Now imagine their computer/console trying render the dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of free-thinking NPCs who all still exist when you leave the area.

We'd be measuring in rendered frames per hour, not per second. We probably won't have this until quantum computers are a household commodity.