JeffFromSchool t1_j9om8h2 wrote
Reply to comment by NerfSchlerfen in Starship greenlit for launch after static fire test by DevilsRefugee
How can you be cost competitive with something that only exists as a far-fetched concept that absolutely no R&D has ever been done on?
That's about as useful as comparing the cost of an F-22 to an X-Wing
JeffFromSchool t1_j85pc5k wrote
Reply to comment by chriswaco in PC CPU Shipments See Steepest Decline in 30 Years by diacewrb
I was going to say, I'm not sure their graphics processors compete with Nvidia or AMD right now
JeffFromSchool t1_j85me1g wrote
Reply to comment by chriswaco in PC CPU Shipments See Steepest Decline in 30 Years by diacewrb
Do people game on macs?
JeffFromSchool t1_j85by9t wrote
Reply to comment by theofficialreality in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
Oh okay I just didn't know because I'm a Pats fan
JeffFromSchool t1_j8545xm wrote
Reply to comment by theofficialreality in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
Denial about what?
JeffFromSchool t1_j8543km wrote
Reply to comment by redd-this in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
I was just trying to say that he probably doesn't give a shit about the Patriots not paying him.
JeffFromSchool t1_j84i24e wrote
Reply to comment by Jl4233 in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
It doesn't take someone who knows them to know that she gave up modeling at basically the peak of her career to raise his kids, and now it's his turn to come home, and he wouldn't
JeffFromSchool t1_j84hvrc wrote
Reply to comment by WellWornLife in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
>She would never make me give them up. If she tried, I’d seriously question the relationship.
Except that's not what is going on. She gave up her career to have his kids and raise his family. Now it's his turn to do the same, and he said "nah, I'm too good for that, unlike you."
Honestly if you didn't realize that already, you must be pretty self centered to not see that she isn't the one who's being selfish, here.
It's always about how things are affecting you, huh? Never about how your actions affect others.
JeffFromSchool t1_j84he72 wrote
Reply to comment by theofficialreality in Sources: Tom Brady files retirement letter to NFL, NFLPA. by PrincessBananas85
He's on record saying many times, even while still in New England, that he would prefer to play in a place that isn't cold AF. He's from California, he hates New England winters. He has said so.
JeffFromSchool t1_j782yqn wrote
Reply to comment by OGBEES in Samsung's S23s don't have an answer to Apple's Emergency SOS via Satellite by needlesfox
>Buy an earthquake emergency box and throw it in your closet just in case, and the you're a right wing prepper extremist.
Who thinks this?
JeffFromSchool t1_j782t9g wrote
Reply to comment by noontch5678 in Samsung's S23s don't have an answer to Apple's Emergency SOS via Satellite by needlesfox
Right but if you life in a densely populated area and you're not an outdoorsy person, there isn't really a situation where you're going to need it.
That's like saying you can't plan for emergencies, so you better back that lead anti-radiation suit wherever you go. You know if you're the type of person that needs such a thing or not.
JeffFromSchool t1_j5p19ca wrote
Reply to comment by Notoriouslydishonest in Mikaela Shiffrin Breaks Lindsey Vonn’s Record for World Cup Wins by castle-black
It was kind of overshadowed since Putin literally delayed his invasion of Ukraine for it, so the news was sort of focused on the 150,000 Russian troops stationed at the Ukrainian border waiting for the green light.
JeffFromSchool t1_j5oqfbi wrote
Reply to comment by DannyTannersFlow in Mikaela Shiffrin Breaks Lindsey Vonn’s Record for World Cup Wins by castle-black
I was so confused because "Beijing" in an olympic context still brings me back to the 2008 summer games. That city has hosted 2 Olympiads in the span of 14 years.
Damn, '08 was a simpler time.
JeffFromSchool t1_j5f4ga8 wrote
Reply to comment by Good_nuff in Hamby claims [WNBA Champ] Aces 'unprofessional' after trade by Responsible-Lunch815
You read that wrong...
JeffFromSchool t1_j5f2f1b wrote
Reply to comment by Good_nuff in Hamby claims [WNBA Champ] Aces 'unprofessional' after trade by Responsible-Lunch815
>But medical conditions don’t prevent women from playing with men, the biological ceiling does.
I don't understand what this statement has to do with anything.
JeffFromSchool t1_j5euucs wrote
Reply to comment by Good_nuff in Hamby claims [WNBA Champ] Aces 'unprofessional' after trade by Responsible-Lunch815
Because unlike rare medical conditions that prevent them from playing, like with men, most women will get pregnant in their lives. Multiple times. Likely close together in time.
JeffFromSchool t1_j2wrlsp wrote
Reply to comment by FormalOstriches in Rwanda report: France ‘complicit’ in 1994 genocide | Human Rights News by Character-Rabbit-127
Isn't this around the time that the US started to take a bunch of shit for playing "world police" getting involved in foreign conflicts that had nothing to do with them?
Other than US merely having knowlwdge of the events and the capability to intercede, what reason did they have to?
Some would say merely those two things create an obligation to intercede, others would call it imperialism.
JeffFromSchool t1_j1efh7h wrote
Reply to comment by chadslc in TiL it was Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" that popularized the expression "Merry Christmas". by thewickerstan
How could you possibly think that?
JeffFromSchool t1_j1bmk3f wrote
Reply to comment by chadslc in TiL it was Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" that popularized the expression "Merry Christmas". by thewickerstan
You definitely replied to the wrong person
JeffFromSchool t1_izo7sw5 wrote
Reply to comment by Applecar101 in U.S. sportswriter Grant Wahl dies in Qatar during World Cup by kieranjackwilson
Because that's an assumption going the other way...
JeffFromSchool t1_izo4dui wrote
Reply to comment by Applecar101 in U.S. sportswriter Grant Wahl dies in Qatar during World Cup by kieranjackwilson
>No one know wtf happened in that shithole country.
That's entirely their point
JeffFromSchool t1_ixwceou wrote
Reply to comment by Redditing-Dutchman in A bot that watched 70,000 hours of Minecraft could unlock AI’s next big thing by Soupjoe5
I honestly think that we can do that right now, and possibly even for the last decade.
We just don't have any gaming systems with anywhere near that much parallel computational power to keep track of all of these things at once. AI isn't going to fix this.
People have trouble with frame drops now. Now imagine their computer/console trying render the dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of free-thinking NPCs who all still exist when you leave the area.
We'd be measuring in rendered frames per hour, not per second. We probably won't have this until quantum computers are a household commodity.
JeffFromSchool t1_iv5hxu7 wrote
Reply to comment by uniquelyavailable in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
That's an incomprehensibly large distance, but okay
JeffFromSchool t1_iv35hpe wrote
Reply to comment by Whitey98 in NASA Asteroid Threat Practice Drill Shows We're Not Ready by Soupjoe5
Yes it is lol but okay.
JeffFromSchool t1_j9osfb2 wrote
Reply to comment by robertojh_200 in Starship greenlit for launch after static fire test by DevilsRefugee
The physics doesn't have anything to do with finances. Until some actual engineering is done, there is no projected cost for this. There is no prototype design, or even a realistic concept design.
You don't know how often parts are going to need to be replaced, or how much it will cost to build initially, you don't even know what parts are going into it!