
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_izollkx wrote

There used to be a mugger prowling in that area early in the summer. Probably gone now, never ran into him. Don't walk by the reservoir late with headphones in. Otherwise nothing happens


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_iy2ar3j wrote

Any outrage for the exclusionary suburbs, or will it only be for downtowns? If they were allowed to build nothing you make the owners of current buildings richer. Congratulations you get to choose who gets rich of 2 already rich groups. There is no point to blocking construction


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_ixqwkgc wrote

The market is still the market. This dumb algorithm sets the maximum rent subject to supply and demand constraints. That's why they use the same software across the country and yet rents are cheaper there. You don't even need to look far away. Compare new buildings in Harrison to those downtown. The Harrison ones are not priced the same as downtown despite clearly using the same algorithm, why, because of supply and demand. Either way it's collusion. But it doesn't mean supply and demand suddenly doesn't exist.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_ix2kgvi wrote

Reply to comment by HumanShadow in Caught in Another Sub by aWolfeinIdaho

But people don't think of NJ as being good in any of those contexts, bring them up individually and you'll just hear about somewhere else being better. Even access to metropolitan areas, which NJ is actually the best at, someone from the sunbelt will start giving you a ridiculous expense list of tolls driving all the way into Manhattan and parking directly in the middle of Manhattan and such to argue "it isn't actually accessible."