JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j43jc36 wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Drawer7174 in Cheap lunch takeouts in jersey city by Aggravating_Lemon_32
I always ignored health and went straight to BK at the mall. Got a basic burger and large fries for like $3 with the app coupon. I'll sacrifice my health for that kind of deal 😂
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2pb8l0 wrote
Reply to comment by tune345 in Dozens of cars heading towards Liberty State Park on Jersey Ave. What's happening? by eteich1100
Your idea of partying is illegally modifying your car and running red lights and driving down the wrong side of the road? Your parties SUCK.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lsux6 wrote
Reply to comment by possums101 in Anyone hearing constant loud car engine sound at night? by sanderling_app
It's illegal in every state to modify a car to make more noise, and 95% or more of them modified their car to make it sound like that
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lruvd wrote
Reply to comment by aramova in Dozens of cars heading towards Liberty State Park on Jersey Ave. What's happening? by eteich1100
Police need to declare these things unlawful gatherings (they literally are breaking the law in multiple ways). That would open up the options on how to get rid of them, instead of just kicking them out, in which case they're obviously going to go somewhere else.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lrpiz wrote
Reply to comment by Rodion7 in Dozens of cars heading towards Liberty State Park on Jersey Ave. What's happening? by eteich1100
If the police won't do anything a few of us should take matters into our own hands. Dump out a few buckets of nails in the street, see how they like that.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2lrepi wrote
Reply to comment by donkeyspit007 in Dozens of cars heading towards Liberty State Park on Jersey Ave. What's happening? by eteich1100
More like trash ass illegally modified Civics that sound like a dying cow
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2ckbdt wrote
Reply to comment by PICHICONCACA in Gridlock downtown on Friday afternoon by Old_Perspective_6417
I'll take my "waiting in the cold and rain" when it comes with an extra $600+/month of disposable income
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2cjlcx wrote
Reply to comment by PlentyEquivalent5619 in No thanks to Amy DeGuise! by henry_sqared
Including Florida? Cause I feel way safer walking in JC than there. The idea of yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk does not exist there, plus the average speed limit is more like 45 than 25.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2cjj6p wrote
Reply to comment by podkayne3000 in No thanks to Amy DeGuise! by henry_sqared
I'm against all of that too
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j2ahdey wrote
Reply to comment by jersey-city-park in No thanks to Amy DeGuise! by henry_sqared
Counterpoint: hit and run bad.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j22jeit wrote
Reply to comment by RGE27 in Apartment recommendations in Jersey City by myfavoritecitydallas
Communipaw is dangerous to you?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j22il1z wrote
I'll move in with 4 people, one of us can take the kitchen, one of us can sleep in the bathtub.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j22ifcx wrote
Reply to comment by Morrigan-27 in Jersey city traffic safety - Bloomberg article by mmmmyah
They're the ones breaking the traffic laws, like everywhere
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1y5kyc wrote
Reply to comment by Bh10474 in Late Night Travel by mousebunnyduck
This requires
money for a car
money for gas
money for insurance
money for maintenance
money for tolls
money for parking here
money for nyc parking
The question is whether the no headaches (but still likely having to sit in traffic going in) are worth paying for all that. At a high enough income level it would be. For me, I don't mind the transit waits and that's a lot more money for savings/ vacations/ eating out
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1y5eb3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Late Night Travel by mousebunnyduck
But young and single people who don't do nightlife stuff (but still like other urban things, just things that you wouldn't do after 10 PM) will love it
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1y4rx8 wrote
Reply to comment by possums101 in Late Night Travel by mousebunnyduck
I heard a lot of horror stories but only once have I ever actually experienced anything like it. Don't use the bathroom in there and it's fine. And even then if you're OK with getting a glance at a partially nude man taking a sink shower, you won't be beaten up or anything.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1y4nci wrote
Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Late Night Travel by mousebunnyduck
Even in the Oculus portion?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1socko wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
But how many do they have total? End of the day, the total is what determines how often the insurance company is paying.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1sjlk8 wrote
Reply to comment by Keepitmovingninja in Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
Not very convenient when some Turo renter wrecks it
Most personal auto insurance isn't gonna cover Turo
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1siikx wrote
Reply to comment by pixel_of_moral_decay in Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
One could just as easily argue that someone constantly driving is at a higher risk of crashing due to fatigue and complacency
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1sgx39 wrote
Reply to comment by intellos in Apartment hunting for international students by throw9-9
May as well make a down payment
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1k6q54 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
Beach gear? I'm carrying a chair at most and more likely only a blanket. I also don't sunbathe anyways, I walk for 2-3 hours at most. That beats hunting for parking and moving a car 4 times a week when I only use it once a week. Taking transit is also relaxation time unless you believe in the NY Post lunacy about it, unlike driving time. With the money I save I enjoy a better life on the weekdays.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1ithnq wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
Train to South Mountain or Harriman or Asbury/Long Branch or Coney Island or Long Beach NY or Jones Beach NY. Enough to scratch the itch a couple times a month, can even rent a car for another weekend on top of that and still come out ahead. Having 2 people in the car does make their math work better. Skiing, that would indeed be tougher, but I wouldn't live in Jersey City if skiing was a big part of my life, unless I had tons of disposable income (it does seem these people do have tons of disposable income)
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1f61yd wrote
Reply to comment by fuzedz in It’s a Christmas miracle… Landlord lowered our rent unexpectedly..? by ScuttleCrab729
Both of those statements are factually and empirically correct
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5596fc wrote
Reply to comment by zjuka in How do you feel about access to public transit options in your neighborhood? by North_Emu8686
Except it did change? 119 reliability improved dramatically (there is statistical evidence of this) after July NJT takeover, and more rush hour trips were recently added.