JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9prlw5 wrote
Reply to Want to know why NY metro housing is expensive? Answer in NYTimes OP-ED by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
Beware of the user trying to use month-over-month rent data to "disprove" this, a one month sample is extremely noisy.
Not to mention New Rochelle is the one place in Westchester that builds the most! The rest of Westchester is terrible, but New Rochelle actually builds quite a bit of housing.
There's also a composition effect going on here.
The average rent is obviously going to go up if more of the sample consists of new units. But that doesn't say anything about what the old units are priced at!
Before building: 2000 new units at $3500, 2000 old units at $1650
After building: 3000 new units at $3500, 2000 old units at $1650
Average rents are higher after the construction, but no one actually saw a change in rent. The changes in rent are driven by NYC not building enough and people moving in from there, not the new construction itself, which only raises average rents through composition.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9pqvsl wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Want to know why NY metro housing is expensive? Answer in NYTimes OP-ED by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
I stopped reading as soon as they said "monthly rent change." That's such a noisy data set as to have absolutely zero relevance to the topic at hand. It takes a good 3-5 years to construct multifamily housing and the effects should be measured over a similar time span! They should also be measured on a metro area level, not a city level. Plus furthermore the Covid/remote work shock throws all the data out of whack.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9i30or wrote
Reply to comment by chazthetic in Just got our lease renewal numbers. For a 12 month lease renewal, our rent will increase over 10%. I don't see how this is sustainable long term. by chazthetic
If Jersey City stopped building, rich people would simply bid up the old houses, as happened in San Francisco and most of Manhattan.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9i2xhr wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Just got our lease renewal numbers. For a 12 month lease renewal, our rent will increase over 10%. I don't see how this is sustainable long term. by chazthetic
Have you considered that what Jersey City is building is not enough to serve a metro of 20 million people? And yes, that is the market for Jersey City housing, not the 290k already here.
No one on the New York side is building anywhere close to enough. All that demand gets added on to Jersey City. Nothing Jersey City can do to fix it. New York has to fix it. If Jersey City stopped building, people would simply bid up the old houses, as happened in San Francisco and most of Manhattan.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9fvga6 wrote
Reply to comment by PomegranateChance502 in PSA: New York State tax brackets are not what they seem by PostPostMinimalist
Lmao does your life consist entirely of nyc bashing?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9dticw wrote
Reply to comment by AceContinuum in PSA: New York State tax brackets are not what they seem by PostPostMinimalist
It's a stockholm syndrome type thing. Their job forces them there so they have to pretend to like it if they want to be satisfied with their life.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9dgrqs wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in PSA: New York State tax brackets are not what they seem by PostPostMinimalist
SF and LA are much nicer than NYC? I beg to differ
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9bauky wrote
Reply to comment by DavidPuddy666 in Is there any particularly safe way to cross 12th and 14th St before the tunnel? by ChemiluminescentAshe
What's the way to get to 13th? Is Barnum St accessible to pedestrians now?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j8y9pqp wrote
Reply to comment by Jctexan in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
Like I said, I support the idea of what you're proposing, but given current lending standards there's really no one willing to finance it and that's why such projects are impossible to find anywhere in the country
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j8y71ba wrote
Reply to comment by Jctexan in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
A) It's inaccurate to claim every high rise resident is disconnected. High rise buildings foster their own sense of community. Plenty of NYCHA buildings are high rise. Vienna has high rise social housing buildings (Wohnpark Alt-Erlaa). All high rise residents also need to shop and walk around in the neighborhood.
B) Mid rise is no longer enough to create high density in this big an urban area. This is because of parking regulations and demand among developers to cram in more parking. Once upon a time, mid rise was enough to create density because car-free lifestyles were encouraged, but they are no longer encouraged, and as such you need as much height as possible to make up for the land wasted on parking. I too would support multiple mid-rises adding up to the same number of units, but bank lenders would throw a fit over the lack of parking. Your ire should be targeted at banks who refuse to fund anything but traditional projects
C) This will generate quite a bit of property tax revenue to fund improvements to the area while lowering rents vs. the status quo by ensuring the residents who would live there don't bid up older more affordable housing instead.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j7dbqnj wrote
Reply to comment by 12stTales in Developer revives One45 project in Harlem after killing it over opposition by ctnutmegger
That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. KRJ did NOTHING for this. She took 400+ affordable units and turned it into zero.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6nqfn8 wrote
Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in Want a speed hump on your street? Speed Hump Request Application Form by PsychologicalAd1153
A speed hump is less "shaky" on the car than a speed bump
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6lws7m wrote
Reply to comment by IndividualBad9136 in Is the house listing in a bad area - Too Good To be True scenario? 217 Cator Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07305 by IndividualBad9136
Genuinely curious, what led you to accept a 2+ hour commute in Easton?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6ib9o7 wrote
Reply to comment by DerSturmbannfuror in Horrifying Lyft Story in NJ. by Boring_Language5662
I've literally never seen this opposition to Uber and Lyft before. It's taxis that are sketchy as fuck. A lot of these people are living in a world of 30 years ago that doesn't exist now.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6ib43w wrote
Reply to comment by Surfiswhereufindit in Horrifying Lyft Story in NJ. by Boring_Language5662
So you want to make me pay $30 extra every time I need to go to the airport for a WORSE experience? Not happening.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6iaccf wrote
Reply to comment by guacamole579 in Horrifying Lyft Story in NJ. by Boring_Language5662
This the most Karen comment I've ever read. I'm way more scared getting into some beat up taxi than a modern Uber/Lyft with a digital location record and location sharing and driver's name. How about you stop worrying about your neighbor's parenting decisions. I know I'd be annoyed if I couldn't even see my daughter come home every day without someone yelling from across the street about how bad a parent I am.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j6182wb wrote
Reply to comment by korbendallas35 in Riding commuter rail is so cool and so much cheaper by ownage516
Isn't that only a 25 cent savings after PATH fare?
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j617j43 wrote
Reply to comment by probably_not_serious in Riding commuter rail is so cool and so much cheaper by ownage516
For me small price to pay for tons more money to spend. Ideally I'll never have to cook a meal unless I actually desire to not just eat it but make it.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j60gs0t wrote
Reply to comment by rubensinclair in Amy DeGise must go, but how? | Jersey Journal editorial by rapmasternicky_z
Talk to conservatives (and Democrats can be conservatives too) over the age of 45.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5z2hon wrote
Reply to comment by rubensinclair in Amy DeGise must go, but how? | Jersey Journal editorial by rapmasternicky_z
She's got more supporters than you would think. A lot of people believe they should have the right to run over any cyclist and drive on away. They're just not young people so they're not on Reddit
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5mvz4v wrote
Reply to comment by Sad-Principle3781 in Opinion: NYC’s residential floor area ratio cap must go by ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
What is "capital efficient affordable housing". Do you have a way of building housing for 300k per unit in the middle of NYC? I suggest you go to a bank and get some capital to make it a reality if you do, because you would become a millionaire very quickly.
By the way if you don't build luxury housing the rich people who would live in it don't just disappear. They come to your landlord, make a high offer for your unit, and gut renovate it. If "don't build and the rich won't exist" theory was true, San Francisco's outer districts would have very cheap rents.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5kjet3 wrote
Reply to comment by Sad-Principle3781 in Opinion: NYC’s residential floor area ratio cap must go by ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
More density means worse community services. This is why rural Idaho is world renowned for having excellent community services
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5kj6vf wrote
Reply to comment by George4Mayor86 in Opinion: NYC’s residential floor area ratio cap must go by ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And before someone says "wItH wHaT mOnEy" property taxes exist
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j5kj0u5 wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Opinion: NYC’s residential floor area ratio cap must go by ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Always gets me when people complain about that, just raise taxes on it and have fun with the free money.
JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9pv0rk wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Want to know why NY metro housing is expensive? Answer in NYTimes OP-ED by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
Why banning construction won't do a thing but make it worse.
Has already played out in Manhattan and outer neighborhoods of San Francisco.
Most expensive places in America because when you refuse to build more supply, the rich will simply outcompete the poor for bad-quality housing and then renovate it on the inside. That is literally every expensive area of Manhattan. And the ones that don't get renovated, still get bid up anyways, because people don't choose where to move based on whether there's new housing there, else everyone would be moving to Williston ND where a bunch of oil boom housing from 5 years ago sits empty.