Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1naf33 wrote
It is 23F here in Essex
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1naasq wrote
Reply to Iam planning to come vermont.should i buy winter boots or waterproof winter boots? by pavolstore1
I just wear waterproof hiking boots with heavy treads all season. Gets the job done 95% of the time. I keep micros spikes in my truck in case something goes sideways (literally and figuratively).
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1bu4qw wrote
We have Bernie at one end and Phil Scott at the other. Everyone generally gets along. Awesome culture. Sure you have fringe idiots, but they exist everywhere.
Housing is crazy expensive and hard to find, but there is endless stuff to do if you are outdoorsy. Winters are dark and usually cold. Might be an adjustment. I love it, but have always loved this far north.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0mftuo wrote
Do You Want To Build a Snow Dick is a classic song actually:
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0jw8rl wrote
Had a snow storm back in 2000 back in Michigan that dumped 48" over 3 days. I haven't seen snow like that since. School was closed for an entire week. All the neighborhood kids had snowball wars pretty much that whole week. If you stepped outside, you were going to get pelted. About half way through the week, I was in a snowball skirmish. Got nailed by a huge snowball so hard that it split my eyebrow open. Turns out I got hit with a fastball from the starting varsity softball pitcher. We hit it off. Dated through high school and college. Ended up getting married. Never expected that we would end up being married with a kid in Vermont when she screwed me up with that snowball back in the day.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0fe96k wrote
Reply to Predicted Snowfall for tomorrow. by SilentUnicorn
Ah Bummer. It's a good start to the season tho.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0ag78j wrote
Reply to comment by Aaron351 in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
It will do good for a couple days maybe. Once that cardboard soaks through, it will leak like it isn't there. Definitely agree that he doesn't deserve to be shit on.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0afl2u wrote
Reply to comment by TheShandyMan in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
With most on-highway diesels, thee fuel pre-filters usually have an integrated hand pump primer or an electric priming pump.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0afbq9 wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
It's been that way for a while. I think we have the oldest average resident age in the country or we did for a while there.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j0af7gc wrote
Reply to comment by Aaron351 in RV owners caught up in Hartford towing crackdown - Vermont continues to make it harder on poor people to survive. by JerryKook
You are both half right. Paper gaskets are not made of cardboard box material. Paper gaskets are usually wax coated or impregnated. Can get plane sheets of gasket material for pretty cheap, but they still might be too much for the dude in the video. Maybe he just doesn't know about this option too.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izvgolt wrote
Reply to comment by giraffehugger in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
Imminent domain? I don't think that is a barrier.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izvgh9s wrote
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iztp43m wrote
Reply to comment by Hemmschwelle in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
I've only been a patient for 1.5 years. Sounds thing things went downhill fast.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izmkc7z wrote
Reply to comment by thrownawayvtvt in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
Staffing. Had mass retirements the past few years. Can't get staff because they have nowhere to live. Most of the staff is contract workers who don't mind short stints in motels or campers.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izmk9v0 wrote
Reply to comment by thrownawayvtvt in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
Staffing. Had mass retirements the past few years. Can't get staff because they have nowhere to live. Most of the staff is contract workers who don't mind short stints in motels or campers.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izmjzic wrote
Reply to comment by deadowl in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
It's all services right now. Can't get help because help has no place to live.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_izmjwcg wrote
Reply to Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
Really? I have MS and have generally had good experiences with the neurology department. I'm not trying to debate with you. I'm just pretty shocked because 18 months is obnoxious. Makes me nervous to have a flare (as if flares aren't nerve wracking on their own).
Side note, did you get MRIs with contrast? One of my earliest MS symptoms was debilitating migraines.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iygffu5 wrote
Reply to comment by johneerottn2dacore in I miss Vermont so much by immersedinideas
I'm a weirdo from Michigan too! My family finally pulled it off. We love it here in VT.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iyd8jje wrote
Reply to comment by Effinehright in How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
What are you on about? Enforcement can be state level, federal level, or both. The EPA will defer to state level enforcement for smaller cases like some bumkin dumping oil in a pond. They used to get heavily involved in massive cases like the Flint water crisis. I'm just bringing downhill to where you already are ;).
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iyd6qyx wrote
Reply to comment by Effinehright in How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
EPA can enforce standards, fine violators, bring up charges for violations, require cleanups, etc. The EPA will often defer to state level enforcement if their actions would be redundant. The EPA can and used to step in when cases are too big (like Flint) or local enforcement has failed.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iyd583j wrote
Reply to comment by Effinehright in How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
The MI DEQ is shit, but the EPA operates at a federal level and was totally worthless during the Trump years. It is apples to apples because the EPA is not a state level agency. I'm sure the EPA has improved some since 2020, but it has a big hole to climb out of. I wouldn't count on the EPA to be real helpful right now.
I was originally from the Flint area. Moved just before the Flint water crisis just to get poisoned by the Huron River a few years later lol. The 6 months in-house water filters in Flint are going on a decade old. It is still bad in parts of the city and surrounding areas. Could have been fixed by now, but the GOP killed funding at both the state and federal level. Now the issue is mostly forgotten even though it is still ongoing for lots of people.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iybs2br wrote
Reply to comment by EscapedAlcatraz in How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iybs02l wrote
Reply to comment by pickle443243 in How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
The EPA was completely neutered during the Trump years. Did absolutely nothing for my community back in Michigan when a chrome plating company poisoned the Huron River with PFAS and hexavalent chrome. No fines, no lawsuits, no work stoppage, no remediation efforts, etc. Not sure if it is doing better now, but it the damage to the agency was extensive and left it unable to respond to glaring issues.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iybrjox wrote
Reply to How Bad is the Water? by Unfair_Good6326
Moved here from Michigan. Check out the PFAS situations in Rockford MI, the Huron River, and Oscoda MI if you like cringing and being pissed off. My old neighborhood in New Hudson, MI was sick with cancers, autoimmune disorders, and infertility. The EPA "safe" level for PFAS in drinking is currently 0.004 PPT. It was 70 PPT just a few years ago. Open water samples in the Huron River 1/2 mile from my old house were as high as 54,000 PPT.
One of the draws of Vermont for my family is that the drinking water is generally clean. Sure there are a few super fund sites, but they are generally small and contained. I've been told that Burlington's water system produces some of the cleanest drinking water in the state. I have not tracked down stats to verify or disprove this.
I ended up assembling a big 10-stage water filtering and reverse osmosis system that helped a lot. I do not feel like this level of protection is required in most Vermont communities, but a reverse osmosis system could provide some piece of mind. Under sink units run from like $80 to $500 depending on the features included and brand. Did you know you Vermont has an extensive water sampling system that spans the whole state? Most of the time, the latest reports are published for the public to see here:
Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1t8o4w wrote
Reply to A lonely holiday by Sexcercise
On the flip side, it's awesome that you have had family gatherings and such that you miss now. I think it was Bob Marley who said "don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.". Hold on to the good times and looks for new holiday experiences in the future.
I've seen a lot of folks mention volunteering for community events and dinners in the area. Maybe chasing down one of those breadcrumb trails might be worthwhile? Probably would meet a lot of interesting people in a similar situation. Don't have to volunteer. Could figure out what people are volunteering for and then show up to those events.