
Jerry_Williams69 t1_jaauunw wrote

This is the case everywhere. COVID and the idiot politics that came with it put a few more nails in the healthcare coffin and then set it on fire. Believe it or not, I have an easier time getting neurology care at UVM than I did back in Michigan. I think this is the exception and not the norm.

Big part of the problem is housing. Doctors and nurses can't find places to live, so they don't put down roots. Other big part is that doctors and nurses get low-ball pay here. UVMMC is fascinated with being "competitive for the region". Fuck that. Want to fix it? Set the bar for the region. They could give all their nurses $5-$10/hr raises and would still pay significantly less than they do now for travelers/contract workers.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_jaatrxz wrote

Easy one could be below Moss Glen falls. Maybe a little more complicated would be out on the cross country trails around Von Trapp Lodge. Get a giant pretzel, some beer, and schnitzel afterwards. Really beautiful vistas up there too. Most complicated, but possibly legendary, would be to summit Mansfield.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j8icp6i wrote

"Probably a day of CAD at most..."

Famous last words. People who don't do CAD tend to greatly underestimate how much time a CAD project will take.

That being said, is AutoCAD the best option? What are your goals? If you want to layout renovations or landscaping, programs like Chief Architect might be a better fit. Base model program is like $100 and is super easy to use.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j7qzgjx wrote

I never said I put my faith in the government. I just said don't trust the free market and the people/companies who dominate it. Especially not in this late stage of capitalism we are in. It is not an either/or situation.

I don't know enough about Gainesville to determine if you are actually making a point or not. Low cost of living and available housing could point to the area being undesirable as much as being better run. That's why I was asking about wages and cost of living. Detroit has a low cost of living and available housing too.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j7qup4b wrote

"It's a university town with a huge hospital system supplying many good paying jobs"

So? "Good paying" is relative to the region.

We will not hit a McMansion saturation point in Vermont before a large portion of the population is crushed and forced out of the state. Even then, it may never happen. You place too much faith in the free market.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j7plfmt wrote

OK, but that is just part of the problem. I come from a part of the country without Act 250. All developers built there were McMansions because they generate large profit margins and people will buy them (often at their own financial peril). Removing Act 250 will just result in more sprawling overpriced McMansion developments because that is all developers will build. The free market doesn't want to build affordable housing.