
Jerry_Williams69 t1_itoi90f wrote

As far as rural healthcare goes, UVMMC is pretty good. Middle of the road on a national scale. I have MS and have been really happy with the neurology care at UVMMC. Have had zero issues with pediatrics and primary care stuff. I think UVMMC is a little on the weaker side with a lot of specialty care.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_it0rc4o wrote

Reply to comment by watami66 in meetup/friend groups by watami66

I was diagnosed with MS 3 years ago. When it really had me down and I couldn't do anything, I picked up Elder Scrolls Online. Made a lot of gamer friends who helped me get through the worst of it while I got myself back together. Online gaming is a great outlet. Side note, I'm definitely more of an introvert.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_it011fo wrote

My daughter is an IVF baby. We had our embryos genetic tested because we had no idea what was causing our infertility. We had like 9 embryos, but only one was viable (my daughter). The rest would have died in the womb, painfully shortly after birth, or been severely disabled their whole life. Zero regrets about destroying the non-viable embryos. It sounds like my wife would have been expected to attempt to carry all of them if the right evangelicals had their way. Total nightmare. We probably would have just not had kids if their desired rules were in place.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_iso7168 wrote

Sounds like your employer treats and/or pays workers poorly. Vermont's unemployment rate is like 1.8%. There are more openings than people available. Folks are just getting better jobs. People just don't want to work for your company.