Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuum86d wrote
Reply to comment by Hell_Camino in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
That's beautiful. I don't mind paying a little more in taxes to help people stay healthy.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuu9n7y wrote
Reply to comment by Albert_NE in Anyone else get a free copy of "The Great Controversy"? by kosmonautinVT
West side of Michigan is the "Bible Belt of the North".
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuu8gl1 wrote
The whole state feels like a big small town, 4 [official] seasons, awesome landscapes, tons to do, good schools (at least in my area), close proximity to several big cities, the food, and the lack of billboards.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuty85f wrote
Reply to comment by DaddyBobMN in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
Holy shit that is amazing. That's not normal in comparison to other states.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuty0oz wrote
Reply to comment by purplemusicianz in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
That's America in general
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iutxxah wrote
Reply to comment by VermontArmyBrat in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
And where everything is grossly overpriced
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iutxtus wrote
Reply to comment by buttergams in What's up with the open enrollment healthcare plans? by buttergams
Vermont's attempt at that imploded like 10 years ago
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuigbqy wrote
Reply to comment by -_Stove_- in Accurate by seanner_vt2
They build uninsured homes in volcano zones on the Big Island 🤷
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuifgmr wrote
Reply to Something killed and devoured a deer in my yard last night. Thought it was coyotes, but they don't decapitate... coywolves, actual wolves? What could have done this..... (Northern Vermont) by WheezeThaJuice
I'm guessing a deadbeat took the head for a mount and left the corpse.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuifb6f wrote
Reply to comment by polychrotid in Something killed and devoured a deer in my yard last night. Thought it was coyotes, but they don't decapitate... coywolves, actual wolves? What could have done this..... (Northern Vermont) by WheezeThaJuice
Nah, he's too busy fucking eagles
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuif1kd wrote
Reply to comment by Moist-Adhesiveness78 in Something killed and devoured a deer in my yard last night. Thought it was coyotes, but they don't decapitate... coywolves, actual wolves? What could have done this..... (Northern Vermont) by WheezeThaJuice
I think most people know that most hunters are good intentioned. EVERYONE hates poachers and trophy hunters. Good hunters sometime get caught in the cross fire.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iug6bv5 wrote
Reply to comment by rynamdn in Who is Malloy anyway? by cdrknives
I would take 2, maybe 3 people to fuck an eagle. No way Malloy did it alone.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iufvtb5 wrote
Reply to comment by DirtyBirdNJ in Who is Malloy anyway? by cdrknives
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuf0ynu wrote
Reply to Where are the Michigan dogs? by BenBcRazy
Apollo's in Davison, MI. Best you will ever have. That being said, surprisingly, the hot dog stand at Home Depot in Williston has a good Michigan dog. Still Smokin' in Essex Jct. is pretty good too.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iud2qpf wrote
Reply to comment by SquirrelyChipmunk in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
We call a poop a "Trump". Going to call those pre poop warm-up farts "Malloys". It just fits.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iubto3i wrote
Reply to comment by ineedabuttrub in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
Reminds me more of dropping a deuce
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iubtksd wrote
Reply to comment by gilgunderson22 in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
Holy crap, is that possible? Poor NH.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iubthx9 wrote
Reply to comment by casewood123 in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
There is one every 10-20 ft along 117 in Essex right now.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iubt3y1 wrote
Reply to comment by raynedark in Help my AZ brother survive VT winter! What are your best care package suggestions? Bag Balm? Kitty litter for the car? Tickets out?? by Snoo_Regrets
Never got my my wife and I until this year. Our daughter is 3 and is going through an afraid of the dark phase.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu9zpsp wrote
Reply to comment by Blueheartt in Vermonters—legalize eagles asshole Mallory is a Jan 6th supporter by Jsr1
Most Vermonters don't mind sane Republicans. That's why Phil Scott is our governor and Malloy is lining up to be blown out.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu709sg wrote
Reply to Looking for cool abandoned/ haunted/ creepy places to explore in Vermont! by Master-Mud-392
There is a ghost town in Little River State Park. Has never given me a creepy feeling tho.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu6yabh wrote
Reply to comment by InformationHorder in What are those books and mailers Vermonters are receiving? by DaddyBobMN
You can buy a family of four a Thanksgiving dinner for like $1.50 through Forgotten Harvest. $34,000 could hypothetically give 22,666 families a good Thanksgiving.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu4vk8p wrote
Reply to comment by afenderstratocaster in Recommendations needed - Cheapest Wedding Venues by afenderstratocaster
That is the upside to McDonald's. You can get a hamburder buffet for cheap. The Taco Bell in The Pit is still pending.
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iu4vcay wrote
The Pit is free! I think you can rent McDonald's lobbies for super cheap too
Jerry_Williams69 t1_iuwdpna wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in Another fake foliage pic from a big influencer by Twombls
Lol probably