JerseyWiseguy t1_j6p8hdi wrote
Says the guy who lives in a nation filled with artwork and other treasures plundered from around the world?
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6p5pf1 wrote
It doesn't matter. Everyone stopped buying any EA games a long time ago, right?
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6ooe5w wrote
Reply to WINTER CAME TO DALLAS by brycewit
A friend of mine moved from NYC to Dallas last year. Told me part of the reason he was moving was because he really hated the cold weather.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6hfwge wrote
Reply to ELI5 - Why do criminals get sentenced to Life without Parole PLUS ten years for example? by sir_cas
Sometimes, the laws simply require certain sentences for certain crimes.
And sometimes, it's done because a person was convicted of multiple crimes. If, in the future, he wins a court appeal and some (but not all) of the convictions (and associated sentences) are overturned, he would still have to serve the remaining sentences.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6hf0cg wrote
Like most things, it usually comes down to money. It costs far more money to have a road go through the center of a hill than it does to go over or around it. It's cheaper and easier to build a bridge at a narrow section of a river with solid bedrock on both banks than it does at a wider section with sandy banks that will need to be reinforced.
Another major factor is existing property roads and lines. Many years ago, "roads" were often just cart tracks or horse trails, upon which people just rode through the most-convenient terrain (avoiding muddy areas, thickets, craggy rocks, etc.). When those areas became more settled, property lines were often drawn based upon where the existing paths/roads were. Thus, if you tried to straighten out the roads, you would have to keep separating parcels of land and demolishing homes.
And, of course, climate must also be considered. You don't want to build a road right through an area that is prone to flooding or avalanches or wildfires, just to keep the road straight.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6gpxqr wrote
Reply to McDonald’s at night in the winter by JIMMYY74
And the ice-cream machine is still broken.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6fgwch wrote
Reply to Can I drill a hole in this door, and are there open/closable hole caps I can add to both sides? by rolliejoe
Not a big deal. That spot is nowhere near the glass. As for the caps, just go on Amazon and search for "3/4 inch plastic hole caps," and you'll find several different types.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j676lq6 wrote
It is often used in calibrating certain radiation-detecting equipment, like Geiger counters. They are useful in mining, for detecting any possible radiation in an area or ore sample. That would explain the need for only a small amount.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j66zuri wrote
Reply to Scenic towns to drive through? by goooulm
Chester (Morris County) is nice. You could also pass through Madison and Morristown, on your way there.
If you're willing to drive out to Hunterdon County, you could hit Clinton, Frenchtown, Lambertville, and maybe even hop over to New Hope, PA.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j51kyde wrote
Reply to comment by fancypanting in Ceiling too short for exhaust fan by fancypanting
There are different types. I've seen some with plugs and some without. Even if it has a wired plug, you can still remove the plug and wire it directly, or install an outlet and plug it in. I installed one in a duct that went from a bathroom through an attic and out through the roof, and rather than have the fan in the ceiling, I installed it in the attic (super quiet in the bathroom!), plugged into an outlet in the attic that was controlled by a switch in the bathroom. I also installed one in a bathroom ceiling and direct-wired it to the existing wire that was already controlled by a switch.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j4yokpd wrote
Reply to Ceiling too short for exhaust fan by fancypanting
If space is tight, you can always use an inline duct fan anywhere on the duct. Then, you can just attach the duct to the ceiling and put a generic grille over it.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j4a35z7 wrote
Reply to Question on Mosaic Tile Backing by lesterd88
I've done quite a few tiled kitchen backsplashes. I always use AcrylPro tile adhesive (available at Home Depot and elsewhere), if the individual tiles are smaller (as yours are). The stuff is just super easy to work with. It's pre-mixed, but it doesn't dry out quickly. It grips immediately, but you can move tiles around even hours later. It's got a smooth, even consistency, like creamy peanut butter, so it's easy to spread. Simple water cleanup. When it's fully cured, it's very durable and long-lasting, just like any other mastic.
So, it's more work than a self-stick mat, but not as difficult as typical tile mastic, yet it ultimately holds as well as typical tile mastic. Another option to consider.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j2f4f87 wrote
Maybe Photovoltaic Cell?
JerseyWiseguy t1_j2esijx wrote
Any kind of adhesive mount is always going to be iffy. That's what it really comes down to. It might hold forever, or it may fall off in an hour, a day, a month, a year, or even ten years. And there's always the chance that the adhesive will, in some way, discolor and/or damage the tile or grout.
Depending on your setup, there's an option you can consider that will hold that wood bar in place securely without damaging the tile, but it's a little bit more involved. If you have cabinets right above there, you could get two more pieces of wood (you could even buy another one of those same pieces and cut it in half), screw the ends to the ends of that board, and screw the other ends to the bottom of the cabinets. So, the knife holder would sit against the backsplash, but it would actually be hanging down from the cabinets above.
If you wanted to do something maybe fancier but more involved, you could even get something like a one-foot-square wood cutting board (any kind you like--you could even have it say "MrHL7's Kitchen" in fancy script), screw it to the bottom of the cabinet so it's hanging down in front of the backsplash, then mount the knife holder near the bottom of that cutting board.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j27go1p wrote
Last time I took a Florida vacation (Gainesville area), the thing I hated most was the crazy scooter drivers everywhere.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j25b1bm wrote
Reply to Baldur's Gate 2 or Divinity Original Sin 2? by Roxicaro
Both are better if you played the previous games, first.
That being notes, it's mostly a matter of preference. Personally, I enjoyed playing D:OS 2 more, but it's replayability is more limited, because there are so few random variables in the game--it's basically always the same game, every single time.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j24y8vz wrote
Pull the disconnect for the closer, and try opening and closing the door manually. Does it open and close smoothly at all points, and do the springs seem to be properly supporting the door? If not, it could be that the door is feeling some resistance, when trying to close (note that this can be affected by temperature extremes). In addition, you can try closing the door (with the door closer) from the inside, and watching both the door and the sensors carefully, to see if they change or have some problem during the closing process.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j1z1ov0 wrote
Reply to Seeking Hourly Garage Bay Rental by jde0503
Never been there, but I remember seeing an article about this place in Palmyra (NE of Philly):
JerseyWiseguy t1_j0h874l wrote
Reply to Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
Of course doctors are "opposed."
If you have a leaking toilet, any plumber is going to tell you to call a plumber.
If your check-engine light is on, your car dealer is going to say that you should bring the vehicle only to their certified mechanics.
Any time some citizen steps in to prevent a crime and protect some other citizen, the government always issues a statement that such things should be left to trained police officers.
Anyone who has a monopoly on something wants to keep that monopoly. To quote the legendary philosopher Gordon Gekko: "Greed is right. Greed works."
JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6etxk wrote
Reply to comment by pookshuman in Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
I've never had need to use one, but I believe that standard Display Ports are too big for standard Keystones, so people use a Display Port to Mini-Display Port connector. I think this is the correct type:
JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6d5uz wrote
Reply to comment by pookshuman in Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
To my knowledge, those wallplates and the plug-ins are usually called "keystone" connectors.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6ay3z wrote
Reply to Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
Don't look for one that has exactly what you need. Get a plate that has blank cutouts, and then buy the inserts that you want.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixy879u wrote
Reply to Correct Drill Bit Help by ApocalypseLater93
Forget the crap they give you, and go buy some Tapcon concrete anchors. They're simply better.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixxxan7 wrote
Reply to PSEG bill is ridiculous by eliasronaldo
If you think that is bad, just wait until the DEA raids your home under suspicion of operating a grow house.
JerseyWiseguy t1_j6p8m6o wrote
Reply to comment by NullSpaceGaming in EA is shutting down Apex Legends Mobile and not giving refunds. by SUPRVLLAN
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.