JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6d5uz wrote
Reply to comment by pookshuman in Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
To my knowledge, those wallplates and the plug-ins are usually called "keystone" connectors.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6ay3z wrote
Reply to Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
Don't look for one that has exactly what you need. Get a plate that has blank cutouts, and then buy the inserts that you want.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixy879u wrote
Reply to Correct Drill Bit Help by ApocalypseLater93
Forget the crap they give you, and go buy some Tapcon concrete anchors. They're simply better.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixxxan7 wrote
Reply to PSEG bill is ridiculous by eliasronaldo
If you think that is bad, just wait until the DEA raids your home under suspicion of operating a grow house.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixx4lny wrote
Reply to The first time my kitten (Daisy) watches our Christmas tree light up. by TechnoTyrannosaurus
*sniff* You made all of that *sniff* just for me to destroy? *single tear falls*
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixthe36 wrote
Reply to Donating wedding flowers by achillesq2
I know someone who used this place, but I'm afraid I don't know much about the process. You can always read through the website and even contact them for more details.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixfd2az wrote
Reply to comment by outlawstar766 in Dryer Vent Installation Help by softhardcoder
Screws in dryer ducts are bad. They catch lint and disrupt airflow. Always better to use foil tape and/or clamps.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixfcy1h wrote
Reply to comment by softhardcoder in Dryer Vent Installation Help by softhardcoder
If the duct seems like an oval, than I would suggest you pick up a round-to-oval adapter, and see if that works. If it does, great; problem solved. If the oval part of the adapter doesn't seem to match up well with the duct in your wall, than it may be that someone just squished a piece of round duct.
Not sure why someone attached the piece of rigid duct to the semi-rigid duct. I don't see any reason why you can't simply remove it.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ixf30me wrote
Reply to Dryer Vent Installation Help by softhardcoder
You might need the round-to-oval adapter. It depends on whether that's a common oval duct or a round duct that has merely been "squished" a bit to fit inside a 2x4 wall. I can't tell which, from the photo.
As for how to hook up the rest? That depends a lot on whether your existing dryer duct lines up with (or extremely close to) the wall duct, when the dryer is pushed into place. If it lines up, you may be able to use something like an adjustable rigid-metal elbow, right off the dryer, going up to the wall duct (or adapter). If it doesn't line up, then what would be best is an elbow right off the dryer, then a length of straight rigid duct, then another elbow or two leading to the wall duct (or adapter). As an alternative, you could use a metal semi-rigid duct, going right from the dryer to the wall duct (or adapter).
I can't be certain, but it appears that the duct in your first photo is a length of semi-rigid duct with a small piece of rigid duct that is either an oval adapter or has been squished to fit inside the oval. If so, you can just connect the oval piece to the wall duct and tighten the clamp, then connect the other end to the dryer and tighten the clamp. (You don't need to "stretch" the semi-rigid duct any more than is needed for it to reach.) Just be sure that you don't crush the duct, when you push the dryer back against the wall.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ix72s4q wrote
Reply to DIY Hottub by gloryhole_reject
You can buy a whole unit for $400+. You'd probably spend that much on parts, anyway, including an acceptable heater and pumps.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ix5hgkp wrote
Reply to Question about tolls by scrapingby4
You can always refuse to pay it.
And they can always issue a warrant for your arrest.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iwxekhj wrote
Reply to comment by Sreddit55 in Can I run a water line for a fridge off a washer dryer hook up? by SpicyyySalsaaa
Plenty of people have whole-house water softeners. I don't see your point.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iwwyn3v wrote
Water is water. Not a problem. Just use a real T-connector, not one of those cheesy pierce connectors.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iwekhdx wrote
Reply to Living in Western NJ? by mxfive5
I've lived in Washington Township (which surrounds the town of Washington), and I recently moved from Oxford. It really can be much cheaper to live there than even a little bit farther east, like Hackettstown. And it's not exactly "rural" living--both of those places I owned had things like natural gas, public sewage, public water, (Comcast) cable, etc. The people are generally nice enough, and the crime rate is lower than more urban areas.
The biggest negative I found is that it can be a little bit far to get anywhere. It was like 10 minutes to a (mediocre) grocery store, and more like 20-25 minutes to a Walmart or Home Depot or some good restaurants. And, of course, if you commute anywhere to work, that extra time and miles can really add up. So, it always seem like such a "chore," to go out and get any real shopping or errands done.
Hope that helps some.
Submitted by JerseyWiseguy t3_yrtxo3 in memes
JerseyWiseguy t1_iu2nxd4 wrote
Reply to How can I hang a TV and mantle over a fireplace when I don't know what lies behind the stonework? by milk4dh
You might be able to loosen or remove the metal fireplace box and/or trim, and be able to look into the wall from the bottom. That may allow you to see enough to know what you have to work with, before you start drilling into the stone.
JerseyWiseguy t1_ito7btm wrote
Reply to The Exorcist is wrongly named by [deleted]
You didn't understand the story. It was always about Damien Karras. He was losing his humility and faith in God and believing more and more in science. It was him the demon was seeking out, from the very beginning. There are clues to that in the movie. He's disgusted by the beggar instead of humbly giving him alms, he believes in mental illness instead of demonic possession, etc. And that's why the movie ends with the Demon taking him.
JerseyWiseguy t1_it7m0o3 wrote
Reply to Anybody tried this Siligun caulking gun? by omfgbrb
Whenever the space is that tight, I just use a squeeze-tube of caulk.
JerseyWiseguy t1_it76334 wrote
Reply to comment by letsstumphannah in Any ideas on how to properly conceal this door frame in main living room hallway? by letsstumphannah
If you plan on doing the doors in the near future, then yeah, it should be a good, quick, cheap, temporary fix for you.
One quick tip, from my own experience. The PowerGrab works great on that Polywall--instant hold, and it bonds strong. But since the Polywall is rather thin, and the PowerGrab is actually kind of thick, get yourself something like a scrap board or plastic putty knife or a disposable adhesive spreader, and spread the glue in a somewhat thin, even layer over the back of the Pollywall (don't just make thick lines of glue). Otherwise, when you put it up, you can end up with it looking and feeling lumpy.
Good luck!
JerseyWiseguy t1_it6rdjx wrote
Reply to Any ideas on how to properly conceal this door frame in main living room hallway? by letsstumphannah
I can offer you a fairly simple, inexpensive, yet reasonably attractive fix that doesn't require any great skill of special tools.
You can go to Home Depot and get a sheet of Polywall:
It's cheap, thin, semi-rigid, durable, paintable, and can be cut with a good pair of scissors. You could cut a piece of that and cover the whole area, from door to corner. It can be applied with something like Loctite PowerGrab:
Then, get yourself a basic piece of outside corner trim, like this stuff:
Cut it to length with a hacksaw, and just glue it onto the corner with the PowerGrab.
After that, you can paint it all to match the wall. It won't be "perfect," but an ideal fix would involve removing and re-framing the door, installing drywall and trim, reinstalling the door, etc.
JerseyWiseguy t1_isqft6m wrote
Reply to How do I seperate sand in a vase? by Immediate_Muffin303
Typically, you just pour one atop the other--no barrier between them. You just have to make sure you don't shake it wildly, after you're done.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iscvpys wrote
Easy fix--I've done it many times. Just loosen or remove the outlet, and use a knife to carefully gouge some of the drywall behind the screw holes--just enough to get the face plate screws in.
JerseyWiseguy t1_is8kixz wrote
Reply to Live music in Morris county! by Hollywood4188
You might try the Stanhope House. Not technically in Morris, but probably only a mile or two from the county line.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iry7h75 wrote
Reply to Kicked out of NJ Dispensary by Born_Studio_7254
That's straight-up BS.
JerseyWiseguy t1_iy6etxk wrote
Reply to comment by pookshuman in Need help finding a specific wall plate by pookshuman
I've never had need to use one, but I believe that standard Display Ports are too big for standard Keystones, so people use a Display Port to Mini-Display Port connector. I think this is the correct type: