
JimMadness t1_isd40wf wrote

Greek here and let me ruin this good image for you. They burnt huge forests and fields to place their fucking wind turbines on mountains they wouldn't otherwise be allowed by nature protecting laws to do so. We still buy the most expensive electricity in Europe. The electricity providers are run by corrupt families who collect municipality fees through our bills and never deposit that money to the government(been like that for almost 5 years). They also started making made up fees after this whole 'energy crisis' thing (before Ukraine war). The government is run by pedophiles who cover their tracks using the police and the prime ministers brother in law is transferring illegaly cng gas from russia while he's also the largest drug dealer in Greece having one of his ships busted with 2 tons of heroin. None of the 11 witnesses survived and every judge who was involved with the case has either left the country or is not involved anymore. Greece is a fucked up place with the best frontmen, Mitsotakis is the worst PM to have passed Greece since the CIA backed dictatorship in 1967-74.