
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jac50mh wrote

Well it's never going to end because most consultants have personal or political ties either ex management or someone who paid enough in campaign donations for the contract


Jimmy_kong253 t1_ja89y84 wrote

And that's the problem with some owners as long as you as the owner is getting the rent on time you don't care how it affects the community or the neighbors that have to live with your tenants year round. I'm not saying everyone that rents a house is bad of course. But slowly but surely we are becoming a nation of renters because the housing stock is being taken up by investment groups to turn into rentals and the only thing really getting built nowadays it seems is large apartments


Jimmy_kong253 t1_ja86gpl wrote

The renting out of single family homes in the state is the reason why people can't buy a house to begin with. My neighbor is renting out his house because he moved to Florida to retire and the cops are literally over there at least twice a month because they're pissing off the neighbors next to them


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9vw60k wrote

Other than regular weekday service on the weekends there's really not much you can do with PATH. It was never built out like the nyc subways because the original designers never saw Jersey City being like it is today


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9ta98z wrote

I mean I went to school in the 90s and early 2000s and we had none of this they already have sick days. I mean at some point as a human you have to do your routine and push through whatever you're going thru at the same time. Adulthood will not always allow you to take days off and honestly society isn't going to change to allow that to happen anytime soon.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9qeh3x wrote

Man can you imagine if the NYPD and FDNY justified raising property taxes by saying the firefighters and the police got a raise oh the cops and firefighters union's and their friends in the media would be having a blood vessel explode. Why does the FDNY hate their EMS division so much? Because it seems to be an ongoing thing since they took over EMS back in the day